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*~Tiffany's Page~*

My bestest Friends in the whole world

Hey there! hows it goin? DONT FORGET TO SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! i came across this little quote and i'm going to share it with you::Don't say tomorrow, because for some- tomorrow never comes. If you say today, know what you want - because I might not be here for long. So when you speak, tell me the truth, hate me with sorrow, and love me in youth. If you're afraid to talk don't open you're mouth, for the words will be wrong, and then forever I'll be gone. Tell me you love me when i look in your eyes, make sure it's real, don't tell me any lies. And when this can happen- i'm sure in time, i'll love you the same, and we'll forever be fine.

well now its summer vacation and I'm having a blast so far. Me and my babe are together now and just can't get enough of eachother. He's finally mine after so long of hoping he would talk to me or even smile. We are going to last forever and ever until we die. I miss ya sweety

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2ND PAGE (hobbies)
summer of '00
more '00 pics
X-Mas pics of me
New Year's 1 '01
New Year's 2
New Year's 3
New Year's 4
pic of my new Cuz!
Samantha's Page
Quotes of mine
