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This site was made to house various writings and ramblings that I have created. Though I don't consider myself too good at it, many people will disagree, so I have placed my writings here for those people o read.

Others might argue that I suck, if that is the case, by all means leave my site and don't come back. I put these up here mainly for myself and anyone else that likes what I have written.

Alot of people ask me who some of my poems are for. To answer those types of questions, they are for me. I wrote them to write them. I have written almost every poem when I have been single, and it isn't like I had someone in mind when I was writing. Just kinda worked out that way. Looks good though huh?

Some of my poetry has a religous point of view revolving around christianity, if this offends you, once again, feel free to leave. I don't mean to sound rude, but it is my site, which I have created, and I don't post things that offend me.

It takes me less than 5 minutes to write any one of these, and I don't really know what I have written untill I go back and read it. This isn't meant to brag, but as you can see, I don't have a page about me, so there ya have it. I'm twenty two years old, male and live in florida.

This site will be updated as soon as I have more content to put on it. Sometimes it will be often, sometimes not, I write in spurts it seems, bear with me on that one, heh.

Anyways I hope you enjoy your stay here, and if you don't im sorry, read the above paragraphs.

There is one little thing, EVERYTHING on this site is copyrighted (1996-2004) material and may not be reproduced in any way shape or form.

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