We have not altered these pictures in any way. So don't email us and say stuff about us changing the pictures because we didn't. Sit back, relax, and try not to run away screaming in horror. Keep in mind we DO NOT wish harm Nsync in any way. These are our opinions.

Why are Justin and JC sitting like that?

Is it just us or do they look a little too pleased to be wearing those t-shirts?

OMG! They have electrical wiring on them! Someone get water quick!!

Yeah, we'd run too.

Obviously they are only sharing singing and dancing tips...

Ok, Justin looks a little too excited...

Justin must have just seen this webpage. ::sinister laugh::

hmm...green water...blue and yellow make...OH...

Does Justin look constipated to you?

Now we know why he's constipated.

Whatcha tryin' to do? Make little kids cry?