Allie's Nstinc Concert Review


Before I start rambling on about the concert, I want it to be known that I don't like 'N Skank, err, 'N Sync, my any way, shape, or form. Since my sister, a previous fan, liked the losers at the time of ticket sales, I was forced to accompany her. Happy=me? Hell no. But, she IS my sis, and I felt obligated to go just to see what kind've show they put on...maybe they'd even shock me and be tolerable. So, we get there at like 7 (somewhere around there) and find our seats. Then *Blaque* came out. What the hell...can they suck any more? They had dancers, who, I'm assuming were s'posed to make the crowd swoon *LMAO*, but they looked plain retarded. After that *kick-ass* (LoL) performance, Tayana Ali was up.

After thankin the good Lord Miss Spears wasn't opening, I pondered...why would a half-decent singer lower his/her standards and tour w/'N Sync, ala, Tatyana? I'm confused, but anywho...she did alright. She CAN sing, but what she had to work with wasn't much. As you can see, the songs weren't fabu enough to be famous long-term. After she finishes, there's a long-ass wait, Lance was probably "buddy-bleaching" w/Justin backstage. 45 minutes later, I'm fallin asleep in my chair and then the arena gets dark and stage-hand man comes out. The fans (all 5 of them) scream like there's no tomorrow. Ouch, Michael Jackson on crack, help, I need a hearing aid!

They come out lookin more gay than usual *gasp*, and Justin totally tries to get his freak, feelin on himself...that was really sad. Only a guy named AJ McLean can pull dat off *G*. Joey-ewwwwwwwww, Chris-Whoa damn, am I scarred for life, I almost feel bad for his mom, Lance-totally screwed up the dance sequences,, your not Brian Littrell, so quit jockin like you are. Me, not being a fan, knew none of the songs, except "Tearin Up My Heart", "God Musta Spent..", and "I Want You Back", which was awkward cuz almost everyone there knew every freakin lyric.

As if this wasn't bad enough, they do some PBS-rejected number, dressing up to represent the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. Excuse me while I barf. Chris sounded WAYYYYY too much like Jackson 5 for my tastes. Then, to conclude the show, they flew. Joey flew close to our side *oh joy!*...I knew that smell was coming from somewhere. Being the jackass he is, Joey lost his shoe. HAHAHA! I saw one of his fans (AKA "the Fatone family") snatch that nasty thing up, I guess they were gonna recycle, since we all know it wouldn't be worth anything...hmmm. That was pretty much it, this experience left me deaf, blind, and basically, sick to my stomach, though I'm happy to report, all limbs were still in tact.

What I'm trying to say is this: unless your some HUGE 'N Sync fan *counts 4 eleven year olds*, don't waste your time and/or parents hard-earned money when you could be doin somethin taking out the garbage.