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International Superstar Soccer Tips


One on One with the Keeper

When you are one on one with the keeper,there are a number of easy ways to score:

1:Chip the Keeper-Pull back on the control pad/stick as the keeper is coming out towards you and tap B,you should chip the keeper and the ball should hopefully end up in the back of the net!

2:Round the Keeper-One way to round the keeper is to get close to him and before he dives for the ball press Z and C Down at the same time,if you are successful you will sidestep the keeper and have an empty goal to shoot at!

Jump the Tackle

To Jump the Tackle double tap Z jump before someone tries to do a slide tackle on you and you should jump the tackle!

Bring the Keeper Out

To bring the Keeper out hold down C Right and C Up at the same time and your Keeper will come out towards the person who has the ball.This does not work when it's you who has the ball.

There are many more tips for ISS 2000 which I hope to put on this page soon.


Chesting the Ball:
Hold C-Left when the ball is in the air for the player to chest the ball down.

Delayed one twos:
Delayed one twos work well when playing the computer.Simply use a midfielder or foward to do a delayed one two with another player while the midfielder or foward runs behind the defence

Through Balls:
Through balls always work when trying to get past the oppositions defence.The lofted through balls are better as it is harder for the defenders to clear the ball.This works best with using a midfielder putting in the lofted through ball for the striker

Simmulate a foul:
To make your players dive and simmulate a foul. Press C up C left ,C right and C down at the same, all together when your player gets tackle(when he starts stumbling), and your player will dive like if it was a foul. BE carefull since if the referee is near and it was not a foul you will get a yellow card.

One on One:
When you are one on one with the Goalkeeper and he coming out towards you press C left plus R (the shoulder button not the direction pad) at the same timewhen you are coming into the box.This is a low powerful shot.You must be facing the goal to do this.

Score Long Distance Goals:
Press R and B at the same time to release a long shot.If you get a player with a strong shot(eg.Phegi,Roberto Carlos or Ronaldo) you can score spectaculor long shots.Shot from an angle for best effects.I have scored a lot of goals using this.My longest was form 41.2m with Roberto Carlos.

Score from Free Kicks:
To score form free kicks against the computer bring the power arrow to the ground and aim it at the part furthest away from the goalie.Hit with full power and the wall should jump over the ball.The goalie can't reach it because its going too fast.This works best close to the box.

Maradona Spin:
While playing, get the ball on offense. Using any player, push the DASH button to perform a dash. During the dash, rotate the control stick 360 degrees to execute a Maradona spin.

Thanks to Te Agarro for the tip on how to stimulate a foul. If you know any more tips for any of the International Superstar Soccer games please leave them on the messageboard

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