This site is a parody on that O-So-Famous band...The Backstreet boys. Don't get us wrong, We love the guys, (Well, maybe not Howie) but we know they aren't perfect. No one is. So for all you BsB fans that actually HAVE a sense of humor, COME ON IN! But for those disillusioned teeny boppers who believe that any member of the Backstreet Boys is a god, please, for the love of God, leave NOW! Also, note the following:

  • We are not associated with the Backstreet Boys in any way, shape, or form.
  • We ARE fans of the boys!
  • This site means no physical harm to the boys.
  • No one is forcing you to view this page. You can leave anytime.
  • This site tends to piss of fans of Brian Littrell *We don't know why*
  • The viewer agrees that this site constitutes as our *free speech*
  • The viewer also agrees that this site is a JOKE.
  • This site would never knowingly participate in any type of illegal activity.

    We DO NOT like disillusioned teeny boppers! If you believe that you will actually MARRY one or more of the members of this group, then get the .:censored:. outta here!

    Okay, that takes care of our disclaimer. Now on to the good stuff

    No way! Get me outta here!

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    Pssst...Before you go in, wait for the WHOLE page to load...
    And we do mean the WHOLE page...

    Okay, we gave you 2 chances to leave. Now it's your own dang fault!

    Wanna break free from it all? Leave society behind? Well, too bad you can't do that, but you CAN break free from someone elses damn frames by clicking HeRe

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    This site was born: July 5th, 1999