C.O.B...Break it down now...

My Live Journal...(for day to day life updates, oh fun...)

Who needs context? Certainly not I...
Well anyway here we go...This website started out years ago, as I don't know what. I think it had to do with the old yearbook site, and updating people on the day to day quotes. Then we lost Sadow and I quit since the school hired Satan, and the site slowly deteriorated. Why waste good webspace? I might as well fill this in with the useless jargon I know my friends all love so much. I also have my livejournal for daily updates if you're concerned(I know, its so emo of me, yo.) I guess this is where you guys can come to check out the latest pictures and all. I know this site isn't much...I mean I haven't updated in a while. And the majority of you all know my basic information (Seeing that you're probably old highschool chumps keeping tabs on your favorite Kim and all.) But just incase you ever get abducted by aliens, and they state that the only way they'll remove the anal probe is to answer them a bunch of questions about me...Ill let you expand your Kimberly knowledge. Since I'm such a nice person and all (and I heard anal probage suckith the ass)

Aight yo, here goes I guess.Ive lived the past 12 years in Florida...Coral Springs to be exact. Thats down South near Ft Lauderdale...(Fort lickadale represent!)for all of you who may be geographically challenged as I am. Right now however Im studying at THE Florida State University. I'm an anthropology major and would like to specialize in physical anthropology (Primatology to be precise)...I've played violin for 11 years, been a vegetarian for 6, and I'm a great creative writer (booyah, and what bitch!)...not to sound cocky or anything of course :-D

Im probably one of the whitest hispanics you'll ever meet, but I think Im all around a pretty kick ass citizen. So give me some slack. Why? Because I rock...thats why.

My favorite past times include ROCK (if you can classify that as a past time.) Back down south I was a huge fan of the local scene (Still haven't found local bands to follow up here yet though, give me time.) My favorite mainstream bands however are: Sublime, System of a Down, Greenday, Drowning Pool, Nonpoint, Adema, Puddle of Mudd, DWR,Linkin Park, Tenatious D, Presidents of the United States, Cake, Alien Ant Farm, Brighteyes, Phantom Planet, Weezer, NOFX, Mxpx, Lit, Bob Marley, Bad Religion, The Vandals, NFG, Lucky Boys Confusion, They Might Be Giants...and so on...

My favorite local bands include: Bigksy (they're actually from Gainesville but they are absolutely amazing,)Releese (a Ft Lauderdale band, catch them on Zeta goes local, every Sunday at 11,)Bitchslap (they're a pretty kick ass band, dont let the name fool you,)and of course School For Heroes (from Orlando, thanks Lee for the introduction.)

What do I do to entertain myself? Well, like most college students, partying and going to concerts...but I also like watching musicals (Rent, Victor/Victoria, Labrynth, Jeckyl and Hyde, Cabaret, Forum...and so on,)playing violin, writing, stealing road signs with my roomies, hosting "hump fests", vandalizing, attacking the foreign exchange students with super soakers, going to comedy clubs (Side note:Eddie Izzard is the greatest comedian alive,) hanging at the beach (at night specifically) and just going all out with random things.(I'm one of the most random people around)

Well, like I stated prior, there isn't much context to this site...but check out my livejournal if you care to get specific updates. The pictures posted here are mainly for friends...stupid shit, ya know :) And check out the local bands. Support your local rock scene!! Im ought yo. Booyah!!

Link to my pictures

Support your local music scene! Here are a few links to my favorite local bands...check em out.

The Boys from Releese (Ft Lauderdale)

Check out Bitchslap (Ft Lauderdale)

School For Heroes yo! TROO!(Orlando)

BIG SKY! (Gainesville)

Just a few sites you should check out

94.9 Zeta
Barber's World...go..see
My friend Rene's page
Donnie Darko Ownz! Watch this movie and check out the site...
P.O.T.A fansite, yay!

One of the best Planet of the Apes information sites out there.

Adopt your own useless blob!

Email: AmnlCrckr@yahoo.com