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This is Jamie's masterpiece. As you can see he has a bit of a drool problem. His name is Smiley!!

Well, I have to say that i am proud of Joshua's brainstorm--he thinks like his Aunt Susan (a bit warped)--hahaha!!!

The bright idea he had for the extra hole was to leave a place to insert this large plastic dagger right between the eyes!!! He then found a red marker to draw on some blood, which looked pretty ghoulish--but then Ma-maw remembered some fake blood left from last year, and that really made it look great!!

This fine looking feller's name is Boo!!

Jamie showing off his Smiley!!!

Of course, they could hardly wait for darkness to arrive to view the lighted versions, and were bubbling over with excitement--they did, however, take a short break to lounge in the yard and enjoy the lovely autumn day in Alabama!!

Finally, it was dark and time to light the candles!! Woohoo!!! take a closer look at Smiley and Boo--aren't they just perfect??

And that is it for the great pumpkin carving fest of 1999!!! The last jack-o-lantern carving of the century!!! Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!!

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