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Hello, welcome to
'Makin' Freddo Famous' .
I'm Freddo,

and I am an avid hunter.
I live, and hunt primarily in Florida. I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, elate in the satisfaction of the conquest, and do not waste the victim.
All Hog meat was eaten by my Wife & I, or given away.
The goat meat was given away to others.
The buffalo meat was eaten by myself, my Wife, and everyone else!

I am an experienced hunter, and use hand guns & rifles to slay my prey, but my weapon of choice is a spear.

Being experienced, I am able to kill my prey without torturing the animal being slain.

TURN THE PAGE to see the 1st of my kills.
If you'd like to comment to me about what is on these pages,
My E-address is below.