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2nd Meeting of the Mischief Makers - June 1st, 1999

New Greeceland Wars Episode 1: The Random Menace

or.. What Happens When Star Wars Mania Affects the Mischief Makers

The first ever fully interactive hoolie by the Mischief Makers. Meaning the one everyone participated in.
Big thanx to Thalia for compiling all the parts and putting them together in a story.
ALL ILLUSTRATIONS BY AURA (OR CHEWAURA) and are copyrighted to her. Please ask for permission if you would like to use any picture.

And now... the moment you've been waiting for...

Disclaimer: Hercules, Jason and Iolaus belong to Renaissance Entertainment, not us, this fic is pruely for entertainment purposes, yadda yadda yadda... on with the show!

This has been brought to you by The Academy, Muse Works co., and the letter E!
Finally we bring you the full and complete version of "New Greeceland Wars" Episode I- The Random Menace. This silly funny/dramatic story was written by many of the cadets and put together for your reading pleasure!
Each segment was written by the cadet whose name appears at the end of each passage. Enjoy!
Starring: (in no particular order)

Once, not so long ago in a land not so far away, the cadets lived in a peaceful place called the Academy. Then one day, the evil Empress Achaea and her apprentice, Darth Kalina, suddenly and randomly took over the Academy and took the cadets' three heroes, Hercules3PO, Jason Skywalker and LeieaIolaus, hostage. A secret group called the Mischief Makers planned a meeting; they were ready to wage war to get their heroes back...

Warriors were gathered in the sacred clearing outside the Academy. The Evil Empire would not win this time.

"All right, warriors," said the Ewok Empress Euterpe. "I come before you today not as your leader, not as a Muse, but as a fellow Hoolier. As you know, the Evil Empire under the leadership of Darth Kalina has taken over the Academy. Every attempt at taking back our Academy has been met with pies of every sort, whip cream bombs, and berry bullets. But this time, things will be different. We will prevail!"

Everyone started to cheer, but Euterpe quieted them down. "We can't let them know the location of our secret rebel base." Before Euterpe could continue, Medea jumped up and interupted.

"Sis, aren't you taking this Star Wars stuff a little far," she asked.

The Ewok Empress Euterpe glared at her. "No. You're just jealous cos you don't have a nifty Star Wars title. But maybe if you'd come around more often and not go off smooching or whatever with that man thing, you would. Now sit down, or I'll feed you to the Bantha."

Medea sat down muttering about muses who take things too far and assume too much. "Before we strike, let me take roll. Obi Wan Ka-Terny?"

"I’m here, iym heya, oim heyore..." The Jedi Amazon witch experimented to try to get the right accent going.


"Present I am. Ready to fight, I will be," said the Jedi Muse, painting her face green.

YoThalia,Euterpe watched as YoThalia attached green pointed ears to her own before she continued. "PeleeWedge?"

"Red 5 standing by," said the Amazon/X-wing pilot, adjusting her headgear.

"Boba Rhinn?"

The Reverend had stowed away her leisure suit for the attack on the Empires forces, and donned a metallic head covering and a weird voice. "Here I am," she said taking aim at Medea with her carbonite gun.

"Rhinn! Cut that out," yelled Euterpe. "One, you're supposed to fill that with pie filling. Two, you're supposed to be saving it for the Evil Empress Achaea!"

"Sorry! I was just practicing. 'Sides, she'd make a good Medea Solo," the Pimp Goddess turned bounty hunter said.

"Yeah, but that would mean she'd have to take a lead role," said Euterpe, ignoring the looks from Medea.

Obi Wan Ka-Terny spoke up with the infinite wisdom of a Jedi master. "Yes, but Han Solo disappears after he's frozen in carbonite."

"And Medea always disappears.. she can get frozen in Casenite," finished Euterpe excitedly. Medea crossed her arms and slouched lower as Euterpe zapped her lightly and said, "I dub the Medea Solo."

Euterpe continued, "Mimma Windu?"


"Lissy Binks?"

"Mesa here."

"Chancellor Aura?"

"What kind of title is that? I'm already a chancellor," she whined.

"Yeah, but it's like Chancellor Valorum. My creativity is dead, so deal, okay? There's no Star Wars character that's a work-aholic," said Euterpe. Aura accepted this and sat back down.


No answer.


Still no answer.

"Silver gone, not posting, she is," pointed out YoThalia.

"Oh. Princess Vanessa?"

"I'm a queen you Ewok freak," said Queen/Princess Vanessa heatedly.

Obi Wan Ka-Terny barely restrained Euterpe from zapping Vanessa. "Yeah but there's no Queen in Star Wars, so shut up! Ewoks are cool."

Vanessa accepted the fact that she was still royalty and sat down.

"Qui Young Xena?"

The Jedi master ducked as Obi Wan Ka-Terny practiced swinging her light saber. "Present, but about to die." Euterpe glared at Tern, who sat down and retracted her weapon.

"Chastity the Hutt?"

"Why do I have to be the big fat worm thing," Chastity whined.

"Because I couldn't think of anything else. It's nothing personal I swear!! Tern wanted you to be Darth Chastity," said Euterpe.

"Euterpe," yelled Obi Wan Ka-Terny.

"Can we just shut up and plan our attack," said Euterpe, before Tern could whip out her saber.

The Mischief Makers gathered around and Ewok Empress Euterpe told them the plan.....
~Ewok Empress E


Aura jumps up and down.

"Euterpe!! Euterpe!!" She yelled.

"Chancellor Aura, We are in the middle of a very important meeting. Could you just shut up and listen for once??" The Ewok Empress glared at her.

"Oh but I wanna change my name. I want to be.."

"Not now!!" Euterpe yelled. Aura pouted for a little bit then she got an idea. She pulled out her double ended, purple lightsaber. Everyone hit the ground.

Euterpe looked up at Aura. "What are you doing??" She asked.

"I wanna be Chewaura!" Aura said crossing her arms and sticking her bottom lip out.

"Fine! Can we get on with this now?" Euterpe asked.

"Yeah thanks." Aura listened to the plan.


Obi Wan Ka-Terny leaped to her feet, whirling her extended lightsaber.

"I say we just march on in and take what's ours!" The Jedi jumped onto a table.

"They steal our land! They steal our food! And I think they stole our men cause I can't find any around here! It's time to take it back! It's time to reclaim our land and men! Who's with me?" she shouted. The other leaped to their feet, shouting their support.

Euterpe rolled her eyes.
~Obi Wan Ka-Terny


"Okay!" Medea jumped up beside Obi Wan Ka-Terny on the table. "I'm all for Tern's idea-" A huge roar of encouragement cut through the air again.

"I'M ALL FOR THE PLAN" the Amazon raised her voice to be heard above the crowd. "But don't you think we should have some kind of plan? Strategy?"

The crowd seemed to think about this for a moment. They all shook their heads.

"Wha-You can't expect to barge in there and not get hurt!" Medea Solo looked disbelievingly to the others.

"We're better than them though!" PeleeWedge exclaimed.

A collective "YEAH!" followed.

"Ugh" Medea muttered to herself. *Okay...time to pull out the heavy artillery* "If we barge in there they might be forced to lock our guys in the back...and we ALL know what could happen back there!" Her little speech was met by gasps.

"Say it ain't so!" one cried out.

Medea Solo nodded solemnly." Now everyone ready for some strategy?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay then!I propose that we split our troops into three main groups...the first attacks head on, the second takes the arial attack; from the roof, that is. And the third sneaks in from the back..." She began.

"Oh, and the third group finds the guys, right?" Euterpe finished for her sister.

"Precisely." Medea Solo smiled. "Are there any questions?" Tern's hand shot up. "Yes Obi Wan Ka-Terny?"

"So the third group gets to rescue the guys and receive all the gratitude?"

"Well, I wouldn't say All the-"

"Can I be in the third group??"

"Oh oh me too!" Everyone began raising their hands.

"No, I’m in the thrid group! You can be in the first!"

"No me! I’m older!"

"I’m smarter!" They all began to argue over who got to be where.

As the cadets were about to strangle one other, Medea help up a hand, shaking her head. "Ok, let’s redo this. We’ll surround the Academy and infiltrate it, heading towards the Empress Achaea and Darth Kalina. We’ll distract her and free the heroes, who can help us defeat her. We’ll ALL get credit. Sound good?"

"Yeah!" The cadets cheered.
~Medea Solo


YoThalia stood up, brandishing her lightsaber. "To the Academy, we must go. Defeat them, we will! Holding our three heroes hostages, they are. Get them back, we must. Yourselves you must arm with food! Go now, let us!"

"I'm there!" Chastity the Hutt.

"Mesa too!" Yelled Lissy Binks.

YoThalia charges towards the Academy, with the other cadets behind her, waving their saber's and Hoolie ammo.

Their rush is met with a barrage of food items flying from the Academy. The cadets took cover under the roof edge to get closer to the building.

"I'm hit!" Yelled Obi Wan KaTerny, a pie splutted on her chest. Boba Rhinn and Mimma Windu went back to pull the wounded cadet out of the line of fire.

"A way inside, I have found!" YoThalia motioned for the others to follow her through a secret entrance in the side of the Academy.

The group snuck through the halls, prepared to face the danger until they would reach the Evil Empress Achaea and her apprentice, Darth Kalina.


The evil Empress Achaea sat back on her throne and surveyed her prisoners, helpless struggling against their bonds and surrounded by heavily armed robot hoolietroopers.

Darth Kalina approached and bowed, bending to one knee.

"Empresses . . ." she wheezed, "you sent :: for :: me?::"

"Yes," Empress Achaea began, then stopped and frowned and Darth Kalina continued to wheeze and gasp. "What is the matter?"

"I think :: I got :: a fly stuck :: in my throat :: on the way :: over here . . ." Darth Kalina explained.

"Well, never mind," the Empress sighed. "The rebels come to rescue their friends?"

Darth nodded. "They have already tried to attack once and were defeated. But they will not give up. I sense they are strong in the Hoolie."

"They would not be worth bothering with if they were not," the evil Empress smiled. "Now, this is what you shall do, Kalina . . . OH SHOOT, IS THAT WHAT TIME IT REALLY IS?"

"Empress?" Darth Kalina asked uncertainly as she watched Achaea spring from her throne and begin to stuff books in a backpack.

"Um, go fight the Rebels," the evil Empress said hurriedly, searching for her notebook under her throne. "I've got a top priority last-class-of-the-year-that- I'm-late-for meeting to handle. "

"But Empress . . . ." Kalina protested.

"Do it!" Achaea snapped. "Don't argue with me, I'm the bad guy! Just, don't let the Rebels in and hoolie them without mercy, crush their rebellion etc etc etc. I'll be back to see your progress later. Do not fail me! Bye."

With that the Empress vanished.

"What :: are you :: snickering about :: " Darth Kalina asked her captives moodily. Then she coughed. "@#$%! fly . . . everyone, guard the perimeters. Repel the rebels or suffer the consequence!"
~Evil Empress Achaea


Darth Kalina smiled in satisfaction as her orders were hurriedly obeyed and one of the teams of robot and human hoolietroopers dispersed.

She turned to the captives once again and said, "There is no need for you to get your hopes up. The rebels *will* fail."

"Bar the doors!" she bellowed to one of the hoolietroopers. He reached them and was lifting the bar to secure the doors when they burst open and the rebels rushed into the throne room.

"What!" shouted Darth Kalina. "How did you get past my troops!"

"Found secret passage, I did. Shadows to hide in, we found." said YoThalia.

"Sending out the troops was a mistake." said PeleeWedge. "We were already inside."

"All we had to do was wait in the shadows for them to pass." added ChewAura.

The rebels began to advance.

"Attack!" shouted Darth Kalina.

A second team of hoolietroopers raised there weapons and opened fire. Some shot lemon pudding, some had larger guns that fired soggy strawberry shortcake with mounds of whipped cream.

------D#D# SPLAT!
------D#D# SPLAT!
------D#D# SPLAT!

Most of the rebels dived out of the way, but one wasn't lucky enough to escape.

"AaHHH! My arm!" cried PeleeWedge. "I can't move it!" She was lying on her side on the floor.

Lissy Binks rushed to her side. She knelt down and examined the damage.

"Mesa think you be ok." Lissy Binks reached over with her hand and shoveled masses of pudding and shortcake off of PeleeWedge's arm. "Able to stand now?"

"Yes. I'll be alright."

"Regroup!" shouted Medea Solo.
~Darth Kalina


Mesa gots yousa!" Lissy Binks dragged the wounded PeleeWedge out of the way.

"Regroup!" MedeaSolo yelled. The Jedi and the others stood back to back, forming a large circle as the HooieTroopers advanced upon them.

"Now!" Yelled Ewok Empress Euterpe. The heroes gave it all they were worth. Qui Young Xena and Obi Wan Ka-Terny leaped forth, swinging their light sabers and chopping their way through the HoolieTroopers.

YoThalia swung her lightsaber left and right, deflecting Hoolie Ammo and disabling the HoolieTroopers with quick slices of her weapon.

ChewAura growled and grabbed the nearest robot Hoolietrooper, ripping it in half and throwing the pieces into the ones that followed it.

PeleeWedge fended off the troopers using her good arm, but she was at a disadvantage. "Over here!" Lissy Binks yeled, trying to distract them. She gulped as they trained their guns on her.

"Mesa need big help!" Lissy Binks cried as two mechanical Hoolietroopers stood on either side of her and fired. She shrieked and curled up in a ball, and the trooper's shots hit each other, blasting them both apart.

Princess Vanessa and Boba Rhinn found themselves facing three armed HoolieTroopers. "Identifying; Princess Vanessa and Boba Rhinn" One trooper beeped.

"I'm not a !@#%# Princess, I'm supposed to be a QUEEN!" Vanessa yelled, hurling herself on top of the troopers. Boba Rhinn could only watch and shake her head as pieces of robot went flying in the air.

Mimma Windu and Chastity the Hutt grabbed laser blasters from fallen robots and began blasting the troopers, grinning from ear to ear. (If a Hutt has ears...)

MedeaSolo and the Ewok Empress held their HoolieTroopers at bay with stolen Ammo. Euterpe flung berries at the robots, who sparked and exploded. "Yeah!" The two exchanged high-fives.

"Over here come quickly!" They spotted YoThalia waving them over. The three Jedi headed for the cage that held Hercules3PO, Jason Skywalker and LeiaIolaus (whose curly hair was help up in cinnamon bun-like braids).

"Keep going, we have the Hoolietroopers!" Obi Wan Ka-Terny yelled over the ruckus as the others held the troopers back so the Jedi could free the heroes.

The three were nearly there when a black-cloaked figure leaped down and landed in front of them. With a twist of her arm Darth Kalina flipped her cloak away and lit her double sided light saber, facing the three Jedi with a menacing sneer.

"Very good, she is. Careful we must be" YoThalia advised, cautiously moving into a fighting stance, her light saber ready.

The Jedi advanced, but Darth Kalina was quick and agile, parrying their saber thrusts, and moving out of the way. She kicked YoThalia in the stomach, sending her flying back, and another kick sent Medea Solo sprawling. The Jedis got back up and ran back in to fight Darth Kalina. Light saber clashed with light saber as the battle wore on.
~ YoThalia


As the other Mischief Makers dismantled HoolieTroopers, YoThalia, MedeaSolo, and the Ewok Empress Euterpe battled Darth Kalina. The Sith was strong in the hoolie arts, and the three Mischief Makers struggled against her.

YoThalia held up a hand that sent Darth Kalina flying backward, but she simply flipped in mid-air and landed on her feet. As soon as she landed however, she was hit in the chest by double flying kicks from MedeaSolo and EEEuterpe. The Sith stumbled back into the Evil Empress Achaea's chair.

Right when YoThalia would have pied her with the deadly lemon meringue pie, Darth Kalina launched herself out of the chair and the pie landed with a splat against the back of the chair.


Before anyone could stop her, she pulled her own lemon meringue pie from under her cloak and threw it at EEE Euterpe. The Ewok Empress was struck in the chest and sent flying backwards.

"Noo!" Yelled the horrified Jedi. YoThalia and Obi wan Ka-Terny turned furiously toward Darth Kaline, who stepped back under their icy glare.

"Now, this ends!" YoThalia yelled. Obi Wan Ka-Terny was nearer to Darth Kalina and lashed out at the villian. Darth Kalina was barely able to parry the Jedi’s thrusts as she was forced back. Suddenly she whirled around and kicked Ka-Terny in the ribs, doubling her over. Before Darth Kalina could finish the Jedi with the eclair she held over her head, YoThalia leaped in-between the two, knocking the eclair from Kalina’s hands. She jump-kicked Darth Kalina back and swung her saber at her. Darth Kalina dodged and attempted to disable the Jedi with a strike at her saber arm, but YoThalia spun away from the saber and ducked low, kicking Kalina behind the knees. The villinan’s knees buckled, sending her crashing to the floor. Obi Wan Ke-Terny stood up and the two used their sabers to pin Darth Kalina to the floor.

"Uncle, Uncle!" Kalina whimpered. "I never wanted to do this, I wanted to be a home decorator! It’s all my Dad’s fault, all this ‘I’m a bad guy so you have to be a bad guy too’ stuff… I promise I’ll never do it again!"

Ka-Terny and YoThalia exchanged glances before pulling their sabers from the ground and letting Darth Kalina up. "Oh thank you, thank you!" Kalina gave them a hug before running out of the Academy.

The Jedi went to Ewok Empress Euterpe and knelt beside their fallen friend.

"Euterpe?" Ka-Terny asked worriedly.

"Ohh…" Euterpe opened her eyes and help her head. "Did anyone get the license plate number of that pie?"

"All right, you are!" YoThalia gave the Ewok Empress a bear hug.

"Yes, but I’m being squished!"

"Sorry, oh." YoThalia let her go.

Ka-Terny picked up the Empress and set her down in the corner next to the throne, where she would be safer when they went after the evil Empress Achaea.

"Stay here, you must. Take these, you can" YoThalia gave Eutepe Jello bombs and two pies.

Ka-Terny and YoThalia went to help their friends defeat the rest of the HoolieTroopers.

"Hi-yah!" Medea Solo made lightening strokes with her saber. The HoolieTrooper robot moved back, shocked, falling into four pieces. "I’m good!" Medea smiled.

Lissy Binks scrambled across the floor, dodging flying food. Scared out of her wits, she attempted to hide under one of the tables of food. Looking around, she spotted an apple on the floor.

"Ooh, mesa hungry!" She jotted out her tongue to get it, but at that moment a trooper went by and her tongue latched onto his foot. "Yowtha!" She felt herself dragged along. "Oooh! Ow! Yipe!" Running HoolieTroopers tripped over her and went tumbling to the ground where the Jedi could take care of them.

Lissy pulled as hard as she could, and her tongue snapped back into her mouth.

"Thanks, Lissy!" Medea Solo called.

"Mo pwobwem!" Lissy bursed her poor tongue.

Boba Rhinn held her saber in the air, a pie ready in her hand. Surrounding her were ten troopers, armed with cream-filled doughnut grenades.

"Surrender now!" The robot in the middle bleeped.

"Your Momma was a snowblower!" Rhinn yelled defiantly, quoting her favorite line from ‘Short Circuit’.

The other robots turned to stare at the middle robot. A faint buzzing started, getting louder until breaking into what can only be described as mechanical laughter. They laughed so hard they dropped their grenades on the floor.

One robot realized what they had done. "Oh shoot…" BOOM! Thousands of robot pieces went flying into the air.

Boba Rhinn shielded herself from the falling debris with her cloak. "Cool!" She grinned.

"Help!" Princess Vanessa was cornered by three Troopers, two humans and one robot. One human grabbed her by the hair and held a candy cane at her throat. She grabbed his arm, twisting it behind him before planting her foot on his back and sending him flying across the room. .

"THAT’S for messing up my new haircut!" She glared.

ChewAura spotted the last two HoolieTroopers sneaking up behind Vanessa.

"Raaarg!" She roared. She ran and made a flying leap at the troopers. Unfortunately, the troopers saw her and moved, and the Wookie landed flat on her face. Vanessa spun around and took out the troopers with a handful of Japanese cookie-stars.

"Thanks for the distraction!" She helped ChewAura peel herself off the floor.

Ewok Empress Euterpe watched her friends in battle, wanting desperately to help. Seeing three HoolieTroopers chasing Lissy Binks, she hurled her Jello boms at them. The bombs exploded all over the floor, and the troopers began skidding and sliding. One slammed into the wall, knocking him out cold. The other two were trying to get to their feet, only to meet two of Euterpe’s well-placed pies on their behinds. Yelping, they ran off leaving Euterpe and Lissy Binks laughing.

Mimma Windu and Qui Young Xena used the power of the Hoolie to keep the troopers back until they could be dispatched. The humans fell back, but unfortunately, the robots would not retreat.

Out of the corner of her eye, Mimma spotted a human HoolieTrooper trying to escape. "Oh no you don’t!"

With a flick of her hand, Mimma sent him tumbling face first into a discarded pie. Suddenly, a HoolieTrooper poked his gun in her back.

"Surrender now or die," the trooper ordered.

"Ow! That wasn’t very nice!" Mimma put her hands on her hips. "Bad trooper! You’re in for it now!"

The man chuckled. "Oh yeah? Who’s got the gun on who, honey?"

"Honey?" Mimma’s eyes narrowed.

"You called her honey?" Qui Young Xena turned to the trooper. "Tsk tsk tsk. NEVER call an Amazon ‘Honey’"

"He called me honey." Mimma glared and stalked towards the Trooper.

"Shouldn’t have done that…" Qui Young Xena crossed her arms and smiled, shaking her head.

"What?" The robot watched the advancing Mimma warily, backing up a little.

"He called me HONEY!" Mimma kicked the trooper exactly where it counts. The trooper doubled over, then attempted for his fallen gun.

"We’ll have none of that, mister!" Mimma jumped into the air, sending a flying kick straight at the trooper’s head. The trooper was sent tumbling across the floor before scrambling towards the exit.

Mimma Windu and Qui Young Xena exchanged high-fives, grinning.

Chastity the Hutt, finding it difficult to handle a saber in her wormish form, settled for whacking the robots apart with her tail. "This is fun!" She sent robots flying left and right. One robot went crashing into the throne. The throne tipped, knocking into a nearby giant vase. The vase fell and rolled, knocking into the table leg, snapping it. One side of the table buckled, sending it’s contents flying across the room.

"Ow!" Medea yelled as a candlestick bounced off her head.

"What the… yipe!" Qui Young Xena cried as something wet went down her shirt.

"Hey! Who turn out lights?" Lissy Binks cried, a pot on her head.

Chastity whistled as she quickly moved away from the scene.

PeleeWedge faced off with a human HoolieTrooper. "Surrender woman! You’ll never win, the only thing you’re good for is a harlot!"

"Yeah?" PeleeWedge snarled. "And your mother’s ugly!"

The Trooper stopped in shock. "No she’s not! She’s just… attractiveness-challenged!" He burst into tears and ran away, sobbing. Pelee could only stare after him, before shrugging and continuing the fight.

"Yah!" MedeaSolo yelled, taking out the last HoolieTrooper. The group surveyed the robot-part littered floor.

"What now?" Asked ChewAura.

Suddenly, a dark shadow fell across the room...


"Hey, I can’t see!"

"What’s going on?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry!" The Evil Empress Achaea blushed, stepping out of the way of the light. "Now, Jedi, prepare for your demise!"

"Our what?" Asked Chastity.

"Your decease."

"Huh?" Obi Wan Ka-Terny scratched her head.

"I’m going to beat you, you stupid people!" Achaea stamped her foot.

"No way!" Boba Rhinn declared.

"A fight, not without!" YoThalia lit her lightsaber, and the others did the same.

The Empress jumped down, brandishing her double-sided lightsaber. The MischiefMakers attacked.

Qui Young Xena and Obi Wan Ka-Terny were the nearest to her. They both advanced, but with lightening reflexes Achaea flipped the sabers out of both of their hands.

Before Achaea could harm the two unarmed Jedi, ChewAura grabbed the Evil Empress in a bear, er.. Wookie hug. Achaea grabbed the Wookie’s arm and flung her over her shoulder, onto the ground.

Medea Solo, PeleeWedge and Princess Vanessa tried to all attack her at once, but Achaea was to fast. Before the three could react, the Evil Empress had disarmed them and was about to decapitate them when Mimma Windu leaped on her back. Achaea twisted the Jedi off of her and prepared to run her through.

"No!" YoThalia yelled, knocking the deadly blow off to the side and allowing Mimma to escape.

"Pesky Jedi!" Achaea hissed.

"Win, you will not." YoThalia glared, her saber up and ready. The sabers clashed together in combat until Achaea pulled out a Jello-filled water balloon, striking YoThalia with it. YoThalia screamed as she was flung back, tumbling across the floor.

"You’ll pay for that!" Chastity the Hutt glared. She whipped out with her tail, knocking Achaea over. The Empress quickly jumped to her feet and kicked at the Hutt, who was sent rolling into Boba Rhinn, who had been advancing quietly on Achaea.

Lissy Bnks tried to sneak up behind Achaea, but the Emrpess whirled and gave Lissy a glare that sent her skidding under the nearest table.

The evil Empress surveyed the warriors before her, crossing her arms and glaring. "Noble." She said. "It’s a shame I am going to defeat you."

"Not on your life!" Boba Rhinn yelled.

"No." The Empress smiled. "On yours!" With a wave of her hand, a mass of Hoolie ammo came flying across the room, hitting the MischiefMakers and sending them to the ground. One by one they fell, until it was only the Evil Empress who was standing.

"Now this ends." She smiled evilly.

Ewok Empress Euterpe watched the scene in horror from where she was hidden behind the throne. She had to stop Achaea, but how? Her Hoolie ammo was depleted, and her wounded state would not allow for her to get more. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of something. It was a lemon meringue pie! If only… she tried to reach it, but it was too far off.

YoThalia moaned and raised her head. Her fallen comrades lay on the floor, unmoving. YoThalia’s heart sank, what could they do? She was too weak to move… Wait! Her eyes opened as she saw something moving. It was Euterpe! She was desperately reaching for the pie, but it was too far. YoThalia reached out to her fellow Jedi. *The power of the Hoolie, we must use * She spoke into their minds.

*I hear you* Came Qui Young Xena.

*Can we do it?* Asked Obi Wan Ka-Terny.

*We have to!* Came Mimma Windu.

*Try, we must. May the Hoolie be with us.* YoThalia concentrated hard. Using the last of their strength, the Jedi combined their powers to push the pie towards Euterpe.

"You will meet your dem… er, now you’re gonna die!" Achaea raised her hands above her head.

"Oh no you don’t!" The Ewok Empress yelled. Using all the energy she could muster, Euterpe hurled the lemon meringue pie at the Evil Empress.

"Noo!" Achaea screamed as the pie hit her in the chest, hurling her backwards. She hit the ground and lay still.

Slowly, the strength returned to the MischiefMakers and they stood up.

"We did it!" Yelled PeleeWedge.

"Yipee!" Lissy Binks cheered, waving her hands.

They cautiously approached the still form of the Evil Empress.

"Oh.." She moaned, holding her head. "I can’t believe you beat me!"

"You took over our Academy!" Said ChewAura.

"I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it hadn’t been for you darn kids!" Achaea sighed and let her head drop back onto the floor "I need an Aspirin."

The cadets used their lightsabers to cut the locks of the cage that held the heroes. As Hercules3PO, Jason Skywalker and LeieaIolaus came out, the cadets threw their arms around them.

"Thanks for saving us, you guys were great!" Jason smiled.

"Yeah, that was awesome!" LeieaIolaus grinned as the Amazons grabbed for him.

Hercules3PO beeped and whistled. "He says he’s happy too!" Jason chuckled as the cadets fawned over the robot.

"We’re just glad you’re all right!" Bie Wan Ka-Terny sighed happily.

"All right, party at the Chancellor’s Mansion!" LeieaIolaus yelled, running off with the cadets behind him.

"Wait, I don’t think…" The Chancellors started, but everyone was already heading out. "Oh no, here we go again!" They moaned.