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  Journey to Alana'Kreeach

    You suddenly find yourself in a strange, swirling, black and blue portal that seems to stretch away to infinity in all directions. It appears borderless and vast, and you begin to wonder how large it really is. The colors seem to dance and sway around you, teasing and taunting. Looking down, you find nothing beneath your feet, as though you are walking on air. There seems to be no up or down, just the blue and black void.
    As you gaze downcast, you catch sight of your clothing. You are now wearing a completely outfit than what you had entered with. Black jeans and a billowy white shirt with ties have appeared on your frame. Soft black leather boots top the ensemble off. Blinking slowly at this sudden change, you are about to study your new clothing when you notice a brown speck out of the corner of your left eye. Raising your head quickly, you are quite surprised to notice a door approaching you from the front. And it's floating.

    As the door stops opposite you, you look at it inquisitively, taking a deep breath. Controlling the urge to yell at the top of your lungs, you carefully put a hand on the door, as if to make sure that it's real. A strange feeling courses through you as you do so, and you hear a strange voice in your mind.
    *Trezei ty Alana'Kreeach, esthil...* The voice speaks in a tongue that you've never heard before, but it's not like you've heard many languages anyway. The voice is faintly feminine, and is anything but hostile. Your curiousity aroused, you place your other hand on the handle and gently push. The door swings open, and you gasp at what you see on the other side of the doorway.
    A wide meadow fills your vision, and in the distance you can see a huge expanse of mountains and a dense forest. A huge, cascading waterfall pours down from the mountains into the meadow below, and another forest fringes the craggy mountain range.Something large and green graces the pale blue sky, and another winged creature glides near the tallest rocky peak.
    Entranced by what you see, you step carefully into the door, and are met with blackness.