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Island Dreams

Mickey Campos de Vasco leads a busy life. She is a widowed mother with an inspiring career in foreign politics. The last thing she needs is a male to intrude so when she meets a very attractive man on a business flight to Cuba, she does not realize her life is about to change.

Cuban born Mauricio Garcia is visiting his home country. He is going to be a doctor in the US but longs to visit his childhood home one last time before returning to the States. He meets a beautiful and interesting woman on the plane and is instantly attracted to her. The feelings are mutual and he eagerly makes plans to see her again.

Mauricio invites Mickey to the island where he grew up and their time together is truly wonderful. They absorb themselves within each other, living for each moment and not thinking of when it will end. However it must end and they both agree to attempt to continue their love affair once they leave Cuba.

Mickey invites Mauricio to spend some time with her at her mother's beautiful home. Longing to be with her, he agrees but is troubled as she no longer seems to be the same woman he had spent time with in Cuba. Being near her family has changed Mickey in some a way he is not really sure he likes. Is their love true and powerful enough to overcome anything and everything?

Love can bloom in an instant, regardless of nationality, or life's circumstances. But it is give and take, which must truly be desired and nurtured by both participants. This couple's love blooms, and although flounders at one point, is true and flourishes.....bringing them together in a satisfying conclusion. A love story that paints a picture of the beauty of Cuba and entices your romantic soul!

Erica Fuentes' website