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Once opon a time, in a far away catle lived a young, rich, greedy Prince. The prince had no love for anyone but himself so he was cursed to become a beast. The curse was like an extending shadow that spread all over the large palace, enchanting it slowly. The night he recived this horrible and very unpleasent surprise he was givin a rose. To break this curse the beast had to learn to love before the last petal of the rose fell. The beast is a very tempermeantel charecter.Mean while belle a beautiful girl had problems of her own she felt traped in a town where she was diffrent than anyone else. One day belles father was captured by the beast. Belle knew he was in the beasts palce but she didnt know there was a beast in it. When she met the beast she begged the beast to take her in her father place. At first the beast and belle where enemies but they started being friends and there friendship grew The beast fell in love with belles beauty and her big heart. Finally belle learned to love him too and the curse was broken and they all lived happyly ever after
