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ok, on a totally un-bsb related note, i decided to put somethin up about all this bombing school stuff...recently at my high school, on monday, there was a bomb threat at my school...we were all allowed to leave early b/c of it...i was not in school that day, so i didn't catch the whole thing on it...but, some seventh graders were planning to bomb some of there friends in their clique cuz they were mad at, i don't know if they could have actually done this, although they did steal chemicals from a storage closet, but it's think that kids that are like 12-13 are thinking about that is just friends and i were like, holy shit, this actually happened cuz it was on the news here...all the local channels were here taping students and stuff...
now, my town's quite small, but it's quite just goes to show that it can happen anywhere...i don't know what would have happened had this one kid not ratted out the other kids, maybe they would have actually set off a bomb, who knows?? but to think that we could have had another colorado incident is terrifying...
another one of my friends, from another state, told me that there was one at her sister's school on friday...and i've heard of numerous other copy-cat incidents across the states, and i think it's getting out of hand...isn't school supposed to be a place where you can feel somewhat safe?? you know, i used to have to worry about walking home through a trail after school, now i have to worry about some stupid-ass blowing up my school...ok, i think i'm done...