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Suicide is the #1 killer of teens today, be afraid.

Suicide is something people face every 5.4 seconds of the day, will it be you, your family, your friends?

Their are MANY symptoms of suicide, the most common are:

~Lack/loss of sleep

~Cuts/bruises/gashes that are unexplained

~Weird changes in mood (ex: sad then mad)

~ANY talk of death or what it's like when you die

~No care of any usually cared things

~Lack of eating, drinking, etc.

Suicide is the one killer that everyone can attack, attack it by putting this banner on your web page. People need to realize that almost every teen goes through a thought, or talk of suicide, that it's normal. Help get suicide rates decrease, and maybe your friend, child, relative, won't die of this awful problem.

From: Lezlee Jones

4-time suicide survivor

Banner Image / URL

Here is the code for the banner:




<BR> <IMG SRC = "" ALIGN = "MIDDLE" BORDER = "0" VSPACE = "0" HSPACE = "0"><BR>Click<A HREF = "">here</A> to find out more</H6>

It should look like this:

Click here to find out more

Suicide Attackers


Be A Suicide Attacker

Want to help spread the word and keep this a prevention instead of a habit?  Please put the banner above onto your site and be a suicide attacker.  Once you have done so please fill out this information and e-mail it to me, thank you so much and please be careful...



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