A Kiss, A Hint, And...Em?

‘We’re going to go on tour!’ Nikki yelled dancing around the room.

‘Are you always this crazed? Or only around us?’ Kevin asked. Natalie & Larissa looked at each other than looked at them.

‘She’s always this crazed! They said. Kevin nodded.

‘Okay, just preparing myself!’ he said. Nikki grinned and pulled at Kevin’s hands.

‘Come on then Kev! Dance with me!’ Nikki teased as she pulled him up and twirled around with him.

‘We’re going on tour!’ Nikki continued. Kevin laughed and pulled away from her.

‘Here, dance with AJ! I’m sure he’d love it more!’ Kevin teased as he gave AJ her hands. Nikki grinned and dragged AJ around the room as she danced crazily. AJ laughed as he saw her ponytail, which was piled on the top of her head, bounce up and down. AJ shook his head and sat back down.

‘I’m too tired!’ he said. Nikki grinned and stood up next to him. ‘But we’re going on tour!’ she said.

‘For us…this is normal!’ Kevin said.

‘For me…it proved that Santa is real because this is what I asked him for for Christmas!’ Nikki said. AJ laughed and sat up straighter.

‘Well, come here, and tell Santa what you want for this Christmas,’ he said pulling her over. Nikki grinned and sat down on his lap.

‘Okay, I want a…hmm, I want a pony! Umm, those new Barbies that are out too! Those are cool, and umm, oh yeah! A little doggy! I wanna name him Street, and umm…oh yeah! For AJ to not be embarrassed when he realizes that he’s getting hard in front of everyone since I’m on his lap!’ Nikki said. AJ looked down and his mouth dropped open as Nikki jumped up. Kevin looked over at him and put his hand over his mouth to hide his laughter. AJ pulled Nikki’s arm and made her sit back on his lap. ‘No way! You created this! Your going to hide it!’ he said.

‘Oh, so now your calling your groin ‘It’? Last night I’m pretty sure I heard you calling it Billy!’ Kevin said. Larissa laughed and put her hand over her mouth.

‘Oh Billy!’ she said in a deep comedic voice. AJ’s mouth dropped open.

'Shut up! I don't play with myself!' AJ said. Kevin coughed.

'That's not what the maid said!' he said. AJ smacked him again.

'Shut up Kev!' he yelled.

'Okay okay! Gee, I didn't know you could be so touchy!' Kevin teased.

‘Why are you guys always teasing me?’ AJ pouted.

‘Aww…is my little AJ feeling any better?’ Nikki teased. AJ groaned and laid his head on her back.

‘Nikki! Your as bad as them!’ he said. Nikki smiled.

‘Nope! I’m worse!’ she said. AJ groaned.

‘Awww man!’ he said. Kevin laughed as he heard laughing in the hall. ‘Hey, you guys finally ready to meet D, Frick & Frack? After all, in 2 weeks you’ll be on tour with them,’ Kevin said. Natalie smiled and nodded.

‘Sure Kevin,’ she said. Kevin nodded as the three guys walked into the room. Natalie’s mouth dropped open when she saw Brian.


‘That guy is even hotter in person!’ Natalie thought as she saw Brian smiled, little laugh lines going up near his eyes. She watched as he punched Nick then turned towards her. Brian smiled and went over to her.

‘Brian Littrell,’ he said. Natalie smiled and stood up, accepting his hand. ‘Natalie McPherson,’ she said. Brian smiled.

‘Are you the one going on tour with us?’ he asked. Natalie nodded. ‘Yep,’ she said. Brian smiled.

‘Cool! Ready for a lot of months with us freaks?’ he asked. Natalie smiled.

‘Hey, I’ve survived with Larissa and Nikki since we we’re in High School, I think I can handle you to,’ she said. Brian smiled.

‘You sure? I can be hard to handle,’ he said. Natalie smiled.

‘I’m sure I could!’ Natalie challenged. Brian smirked at her.

‘Then prove it!’ he said.

‘I will!’ she said. Brian smiled. Then he thought about that.

‘Wait…how are you going to prove it?’ he asked. Natalie smiled and looked at AJ and Nikki who had stood up. AJ had his arm draped loosely around Nikki’s waist, Nikki’s arm around his waist. Natalie nudged Brian and pointed towards AJ. Brian looked and smiled.

‘Bone’s at it again,’ he whispered. Natalie smiled and turned towards Brian.

‘Nikki’s an outrageous flirt, if anyone’s starting it, it’s her,’ Natalie said. Brian nodded.

‘But AJ isn’t innocent either, he’s going to make it go along! I bet you they will definitely get together on tour,’ Brian said. Natalie looked at Brian and smiled.

‘That would be cool, then again, it be twice as worse!’ Natalie said.

‘True, just hope they don’t start making out in front of us,’ he said.

‘It’s Nikki, we can expect a whole lot from her,’ Natalie said. Brian laughed.

‘Knowing Bone they’ll get it on in about a month and a half, maybe even sooner, Nikki’s not a virgin is she?’ Brian asked. Natalie shook her head. ‘Nope,’ she said. Brian nodded and looked at Natalie.

‘Are you?’ he asked. Natalie looked at him.

‘What would it matter to you if I was or wasn’t?’ Natalie asked. Brian shrugged when Nick jumped onto his back.

‘Because I think that little Bri Bri here likes you!’ Nick said.

‘Frack! Shut up!’ Brian said throwing him off his shoulders. Nick grinned.

‘Well, just ask her out already!’ Nick said. Brian shrugged.

‘I will later, I barely know her!’ he said. Natalie stared at them with an amused look on her face.

‘You know, I can still hear you!’ she said. Brian looked over at her and his mouth dropped open.

‘Oops!’ he said. Natalie smiled and shook her head.

‘And Brian, if you we’re to ask me out, I wouldn’t say no,’ she said as she headed over to Larissa.


AJ looked down at Nikki who was talking to Howie. He shifted his arm so it went further around her waist. He looked down and watched her reaction. He saw her just snuggle into him deeper. AJ smiled. ‘I could get used to this, Nikki is a great girl, she is soo hyper and crazy, kinda like me & Brian mixed, but then again…she is sooo pretty,’ AJ thought. He felt Nikki’s arm go around his waist a little further. AJ smiled and looked over at Brian and Nick, Brian was talking to Nick about something, and AJ was pretty sure it was about him & Nikki. AJ shrugged and just let the feel of Nikki next to him calm him.

‘This has been a wild 2 months, first, Jive likes them, then, they sign them, then, they release their single, it goes big, and so now they’re going on tour with us, isn’t that wild or what?’ AJ thought. Nikki looked up at him.

‘AJ, come on,’ she said as she pulled him towards the hall. AJ looked at her.

‘Huh?’ he asked.

‘I said come on, I’m going to get a drink and your coming with me, I don’t think you want to detach your arm,’ she said. AJ smiled and laughed. ‘All right Mrs. I’m-Gonna’-Keep-Making-Cracks-About-AJ-Because-It’s-Funny!’ AJ said. Nikki smiled.

‘But it is fun!’ she said as she pulled him out of the room.

‘Okay…do you even know where the drinks are?’ AJ asked. Nikki shook her head.

‘No…why do you think that I pulled you out here?’ she asked. AJ smiled and led her over to the drink machine.

‘Okay…what brand?’ he asked.

‘Coke, can’t live without it!’ she said. AJ smiled and punched in the numbers, making a Coke fall out.

‘Here ya go Milady!’ he said. Nikki smiled and took it.

‘Thanks Mr. McLean,’ she said. AJ smiled down at her.

‘You know, you are really pretty when you look at me like that,’ he said. His eyes opened slightly further. Nikki laughed.

‘Yes AJ, you said that outloud! And with those kind of thoughts, I wonder how much you’ve been thinking about me!’ Nikki said.

‘I’ve been thinking a lot about you this past month, like how pretty you are, how good your voice sounds, what it would be like to…’ AJ let off. Nikki grinned.

‘Keep going AJ…you we’re going to say what it would be like to kiss me huh?’ Nikki asked. AJ looked at the ground and shrugged. Nikki smiled and pushed his chin back up.

‘Admit it AJ, you want to kiss me,’ she said. AJ shrugged.

‘AJ…’ Nikki said.

‘Okay okay, yes, I want to kiss you,’ AJ said. Nikki smiled.

‘Then why didn’t you just do it?’ she asked.’

‘I didn’t want you to slap me if you didn’t want it!’ AJ said.

‘Who said I wouldn’t of wanted it AJ?’ Nikki asked.

‘You want me to kiss you?’ he asked.

‘Have I objected yet?’ Nikki asked.

‘Why are you such a tease?’ AJ asked.

‘Look whose talking, Mr. Alex McLean himself!’ Nikki said. AJ smiled.

‘So you wouldn’t object if I did this…’ AJ let off as he leaned down and kissed her, his fingers under her chin, lifting it up. As the kiss started to end, they just kept going, Nikki’s hands moved up to his shoulders as he backed her up against a wall and kept kissing her.

‘Nope…wouldn’t object!’ Nikki said when they pulled away. AJ smiled down at her.

‘Okay, well, we better get back, the other guys are going to start getting suspicious,’ AJ said. Nikki nodded.

‘Yeah,’ she said as AJ took her hand and led her back to the room. ******************************************************

When they walked in AJ looked at the other guys. When he caught Nicks gaze he saw Nicks eyes widen.

‘AJ! What were you doing?’ Nick asked. AJ arched an eyebrow. ‘What do you mean?’ AJ asked.

‘AJ!! It’s totally obvious what you were doing! You have the evidence all over your face!’ Nick said. Nikki looked at him and laughed.

‘AJ, AJ, come here,’ Nikki said as AJ came closer. Nikki put her hand to his face and wiped off her lipstick which was on his lips and cheek. AJ’s eyes widen as he pulled away and wiped any left off.

‘Well…umm…okay…’ he said. Brian laughed.

‘So…do we see a couple in the works?’ he asked. AJ & Nikki shrugged. Natalie laughed.

‘It’s just like Nikki to kiss AJ! What I’m surprised is how far it went!’ Natalie said. Nikki blushed.

‘Well, it hasn’t gone far!!!’ she said.

‘Yeah! And I’m the pope!’ Natalie said.

‘Hello pope!’ Nikki teased.

‘Okay, you guys done fooling around?’ Kevin asked. ‘I want you to meet my girlfriend, the other opening act on tour with us,’ Kevin said pointing to the girl that was attached to his arm. Nikki smiled when she held out her name.

‘Hi, I’m Emilie Smith, how are you?’ Emilie asked. Nikki smiled.

‘Hey, I’m Nikki, please to meet you Emilie,’ Nikki said. Emilie smiled.

‘Call me Em,’ Em said. Nikki smiled.

‘Will do,’ Nikki said. Em nodded and looked up at AJ.

‘So…is this your new girl AJ?’ Em asked. AJ hesitated for a moment before answering. Then he wrapped his arm around Nikki and nodded. ‘Yep, this is my girl Em, how are you and Kevin? Did you two catch up?’ AJ asked. Em nodded.

‘Yeah, we caught up,’ she said. Brian nodded.

‘Yeah!! I told ya I’m not supposed to watch porno flicks! They’re harmful to my sensitive eyes!’ Brian said. Em laughed.

‘We weren’t that bad!’ she said. Brian nodded.

‘You were that bad! All that kissing and stuff!’ he said. Em smiled up at Kevin, who smiled back down at her.

‘Well, I missed my baby!’ she said. Brian laughed and shook his head. AJ led Nikki over to a couch by the wall and they sat down.


‘…we need to talk, yes I know,’ AJ said. Nikki nodded.

‘Why did you say I was your girl when were not going out?’ Nikki asked. AJ shrugged.

‘I dunno, it just kinda slipped,' AJ said.

‘Really?’ Nikki asked. AJ nodded.

‘Yeah, hey, but I’ll keep calling you it if you don’t mind!’ AJ said.

‘Oh really? Then what will that mean?’ Nikki asked.

‘Well, it means that I’ll call you my girlfriend!’ AJ said. Nikki smiled.

‘But then where will that leave us?’ she asked.

‘What do you mean?’ AJ asked.

‘AJ, you haven’t asked me or anything!’ Nikki said. AJ grinned. He took his hand and cupped the side of her face with it.

‘Fine, Nikki, will you go out with me?’ AJ asked. Nikki smiled.

‘Sure,’ she said. AJ smiled and leaned forward kissing her. Nikki smiled and they got into the full fledge make-out mode. Nikki couldn’t hear the other people around her, she just concentrated on AJ right there, and the sound of him breathing. Finally, after around five minutes of just making-out, Nick looked over at them.

‘Now AJ & Nikki’s at it!’ he said. Everyone looked over at them.


Larissa turned and looked at AJ & Nikki. She saw AJ’s head tilted to the front, so that they couldn’t see the actual thing, and she saw Nikki’s head tilted back. She just sat and watched them for a few minutes. She heard everyone making cracks about them. Then Larissa saw Em and Kevin in the back of the room doing the same the same thing. Larissa smiled to her self. Nikki was always the one to start it off.

‘Hmm, what I wouldn’t give to do that to Nick!’ Larissa thought as she looked over at Nick who was laughing at Nikki & AJ.

‘Gee, this is turning into the love bus!’ he said.

‘I’m sure you would be doing that to Nick if you liked someone!’ Larissa said. Nick looked over at her and smiled.

‘Well, I can’t deny that, but I don’t exactly have someone to do that with right now do I?’ Nick asked. Larissa smiled.

‘Well, that proves that he’s obviously single, that means I make a move, I get the catch, this tour is going to be fun,’ Larissa thought. She smiled at Nick.

‘I guess not,’ she said as he turned around to Brian to say something. Larissa smiled.

‘Yep, I’m going to get everything I want this year,’ she thought as she watched Nikki & AJ continue to make out.

Set Adrift On Memory Bliss Index
Chapter 1
Chapter 3