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My Pets


Old Homepage


Real Audio

About Me



Fantasy Images

Exotic Cat Images

Misc Images


Color Codes


   "Wow! This is a cool site! Thanks for sharing all of your info on HTML and what great images! Bookmark this site, you will be back again and again!
-- Jared,   Oakland, CA




  "Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages!."
-- Jennifer,
Boston, MA




"Love your web site! You gave me great plans for my new web page, thanks again and keep up the good work! I will be back."

-- Sara K.

Glenn, NH 




  "Thanks for putting this site together. The graphics are tastefull and the poetry is touching, I've enjoyed my time here and think everyone should bookmark this site!"
-- Max V.
San Antonio, TX

Welcome to my home on the WWWeb!


Please be patient with my site, I have currently started a new project to revamp the look of all of my pages. While I am working on these pages, some of my links will not work, please check back occasionally for new info and more great Images. Thank you and enjoy your stay.

get this gear!

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