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FUNCTION: Ground Assault Commander

  • Motto: To be Psycho is the true genuis
  • Group Affiliation: Original 9
  • Strength: 10
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Endurance: 8.6
  • Speed: 6
  • Courage: 10
  • Firepower: 8
  • Skill: 9.5
  • Rank: 9

    Sychoscream is the most ruthless Decepticon. Founder and leader of the Sycho Platoon. Once Warlock was arrested by the C.A. members during the Great War III, Psychotron decided to recruit new members into his group called the Sycho Platoon which he would lead. Psychotron and the Sycho Platoon helped the Decepticon Empire conquer Cybertron and win the Great War III. Once Apocalypse disappeared.... many thought Psychotron would lead the Decepticon Empire. Warlock had other ideas....namely himself as the Supreme Leader of the Decepticon Empire. Right before the election's that would pick Apocalypse successor to take over Apocalypse Army.....Unicron promised a new body to the winner between Chargertron and Psychotron. Psychotron won the elections easily but when Unicron was ready to give him his new body but Psychotron Shuttle blewup and had been killed. However, Unicron kept his word and gave him his new body and brought Psychotron back to life. Now as Sychoscream....he transforms into an Steam roller. On Sychoscream return..... he went on a psychopath. Hits were being made on Decepticons who were thought to set him up. Chargertron was killed with no questions. Warlock was injected a virus that return him to his old form (Deathlock) for a short time. The Decepticon Empire Civil War I was now underway. However, the threat of the M.A.A. taking over Cybertron had become serious and forced Sychoscream to an uneasy alliance with Warlock. Over time..... Sychoscream and Warlock ended there long feud by killing Optimus Pyro together. Now that Warlock had become King Warlock and it became apparent to Sychoscream that King Warlock was too powerful to challenge....Sychoscream conceded and became King Warlock Sub Commander until going back to his Sycho Platoon Commander duties. Sychoscream with the Destron Squad escaped during the fall of Trypticon City. Sychoscream is believed to be behind many assassination's to help keep turmoil in Cybertron. A small war has broke out between forces loyal to Sychoscream and forces loyal to Obikron (E.D.R.). The return of Apocalypse had brought calm between the Decepticons and unity once again. Sychoscream is now the Ground Assualt Commander under the new Empire. A member of the High Council. His goals of becoming the Supreme Leader is only 2 chairs away.

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