WWF Extreme's Gif Animations

Stone Cold Gif Animations With Pictures

Gif Animations Without Pictures

Animated Gifs
Wrestler: # of gifs:
The Rock
12 Gifs
Steve Austin
12 Gifs
Mick Foley
2 Gifs
Shawn Michaels
7 Gifs
4 Gifs
5 Gifs
4 Gifs
1 Gif
2 Gifs
2 Gifs
Jeff Jarrett
1 Gif
1 Gif
1 Gif
Marc Mero
1 Gif

Description of Gif
Al Snow
Snow Plow
D-Generation X
Suck It Sign
D'lo Brown
Running Power Bomb
Dude Love
Hits Mr. McMahon with a Chair
Suck It Sign
Chokeslams Two People(.avi)
The Rock
Peoples Elbow
Sable Smacks Patterson
The Undertaker
Undertaker throws Mankind through a Window
The Undertaker
Throws Mankind off the Hell in The Cell Cage!!
The Undertaker
Tombstones Mankind on Chair
The Undertaker

IYH 26: Rock Bottom 

File description File size
Steve Austin Stuns The Undertaker by the grave 155K
D'Lo Brown misses a frog splash 168K
Edge leaps off Christian's back and planchas onto the floor 198K
Golga dropkicks Thrasher 181K
Billy Gunn Liger bombs Ken Shamrock 166K
Jeff Jarrett front Russian legsweeps Goldust 120K
Mankind piledrives the referee 185K
Scorpio moonsault legdrops off the top 180K

IYH 25: Judgement Day 

File description File size
Paul Bearer hits Kane with a chair 147K
Droz hits a spinning elbow 137K
Road Dog hits Thrasher with a boom box 139K
Shamrock powerslams Mankind onto the steps 181K
Al Snow Snowploughs Mero 173K
TAKA Asaisaults onto Christian 204K
Val Venis gives Goldust a top rope plancha 186K
X-Pac Bronco Rides D'Lo Brown 194K

IYH 24: Breakdown 

File description File size
Bradshaw lariats Vader 181K
D-Lo Brown running Ligerbombs Gangrel 175K
Edge huracanranas Owen Hart 244K
Jeff Jarrett hits X-Pac with a guitar 229K
Mankind misses an elbow drop off the top of the cage 228K
Marc Mero gives Darren Drosdov the shooting star press 173K
Al Snow hits his version of Air Sabu 196K
Undertaker and Kane double chokeslam Steve Austin 222K
Val Venis spinebusters Dustin Runnels 202K

SummerSlam '98 

File description File size
Luna bodyslams Wally Yamaguchi 175K
Mankind hiplocks Billy Gunn through a table 128K
Owen Hart powerslams Ken Shamrock off the side of the Lions Den 181K
Rocky Maivia gives Triple-H the Rock Bottom 180K
Sable huracanranas Marc Mero off the top 186K
The Undertaker legdrops Steve Austin through a table off the top rope 183K
Val Venis gives the referee The Money Shot 163K
X-Pac Ligerbombs Jeff Jarrett 128K

One Night Only 

File description File size
The British Bulldog Liger bombs Shawn Michaels 222K
Hunter Hearst Helmsley Pedigrees Dude Love 162K
The Patriot gets his knees up on a Flash Funk moonsault 251K
Miguel Perez Jr hits a twisting somersault senton 218K
Tiger Ali Singh gives Al Snow a bulldog from the top 226K
The Undertaker chokeslams a referee 215K
Vader splashes Owen Hart from the second rope 190K