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Last Updated:  March 17th - 12:02pm EST

Why do I claim to be the One & Only Tara Fan Club? It's simple. It seems that I have focused my admiration on the most hated Xena character of all time, next to Joxer, of course.

Don't ask me why she's hated, I don't know. Maybe it's because she's seen as just a rotten little street punk, maybe she's just been totally misunderstood by the rest of the Xena community, I've even heard some claim it's her hair, or maybe, just maybe, it's because she kicked the living shit out of Gabrielle. Ok, granted Gabby didn't have her staff in hand at the time but, none the less, her ass WAS kicked.

Tatarus, I may even be the One & Only Tara Fan, period! But, this site will remain in existence as long as Tara persecution exists (a very long time indeed). In the meantime, I'll just live in my own little Illusia, content that I'm providing a much needed service to you closet Tara fans out there.

Feel free to email with your Tara support, or hatred.
