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Welcome to my Den ...All are welcome....This is my first page so please bare wit me..Theres been ups and downs in this place of chat... some assholes and some good people..ya'll know who im talkin bout... if not ill tell ya if ya want cause i dont play no shit .. hehe

I would like to send huggzzz to all my friends in FB 255 ya know who ya are but if ya dont well hold your pants on ill name ya in a sec....

But first and formost..My lil Sis Tazzy~Vamp~Enternal~Destiny~ Lee~ hehe.. Well sis we have been thu some good times and bad.. hehe more good tho.. know that wut ever you need and wut ever you need done all ya gotta do is ask and ill be there...Loves ya sis.. ~hugz~

Next to LadyRosieWolf .. to the Best damn av painter in Vp..thanx fer puttin up wit me and paintin my avs and makin me look gorgous teehee...~huggz sis~...

Next a special thanx to Toons fer helpin me get started on this page.. huggzz bro ...

Next To Spirit(my momma)teehee..You've always been there fer me momma ~thank you from the bottom of my heart~I love ya...ok now fer the rest of ya teehee

~~im_Q~~What can i say you've always been there fer me ..your my friend..Ill always be here fer ya hun ..stay sweet an careful on the road...

~~DjMikie~~mmmm well darlin your the best ..and i thanx ya fer all your help babe ..teehee..ill be here if ya need a shoulder to lean on or an ear to bend.. and just wait til next time i get you in my Bigger truck hehe.. ~huggz and smooches babe~... snows place

~~Skippy~~my aussie've been a good friend from the beginnin hun...hope it stays that way for along time to come ~huggzz and kisses fer ya babe~~

~~Jacob~~well hun your just too sweet fer your own i like ya ..and when ya find 'Time' lmao..ill be here ~huggzz~...

~~Timber~~My lil wolfie ..teehee...stay sweet and furry darlin...

~~Amy~~Sis ya one of my first friends in here ..Thanx fer everything ya've done fer me..Love ya loads...

~~BabyD~~ Girly lol we had a time gettin drunk .. hope we can do it again sometime ..loves ya ...Huggzzzz...

~~Spoofy~~mm well wut can i say bout you that wont get the tongues a waggin glad i met ya sugar how ever it turns out~ill be here~..huggz and kisses baby~

~~Dyl~~ Hey sugar im glad i got to know still sound like kermit hehe hehe Here's to *fishin* huggzzz

~~Missy~~ HAHA sorry i fergot ya but sheesh >>rastifarian monkey butt<< wut is that never heard of it hehe.. hugz girly~~

~~TazAngel~ or Connie i've known u know real life and in virtual life.. we've had a blast in both and i hope we will for along time to come .. ~hugz hunnnnn~..

Ummm imma gettin kinda lazy so heres the rest of the Shout Outs in short Night~~Wiley~~Sceet~~B_bear~~Skyttles~~Angel~~Spider~~Mel~~ Shadow~~Raffy~~Jazzy~~Path~~Darkblade~~Mindee~~Bugsy~~Shaz~~Jester~~ Lucky~~Ryan~~Southerngirl25~~Crystarra~~Lady~~Rusty~~Heather~~Stunner~~ Dewey~~Don~~Draken-Merc~~Sun~~Acid~~Gade~~Doyle~~Angeliek~~SpiritWolf~~-TreMack aka Sarah~~Iggy~~Gabe~~......Love ya'll Ummm if i forgot anyone plz just tell me and ill add ya but umm this is the most i've typed in awhile so my fingers are tired ..teehee.. Plz come back ill be workin some more on this page ~~~~~Catch ya on the flip side ~~~~~lol

***Also to Talon and Grunt your great guys teehe~~Love ya"ll~~


~TaZzY's Hideaway~
~Toons Titty Twister~
~LadyRosieWolf's Paint Shop~
~DJ's Elite Crew~
~The HookUp~
~B's Page~
~Amy's Page~
~Snow and Lee's paint and gest shop~

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