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R.M.S.H. Class of 1989


I'm sorry for not keeping up with the page. I still need fresh info to put on the page.

Daily Cartoon.

After the water has gone, as seen by Joe..

We had our reunion on June 19th. 1999 This page was posted about two weeks later. The reunion was great!!! So sorry if you couldn't make it. A special thanks to the Reunion Committee. Margaret Lindsy Sharpe, Steven Lyons, Jamie Davis, Tesha Battle and Austin Bulluck. If others I missed, I'm sorry. Just send me the names of the ones I've overlooked.

Where in the World is the Class of '89

I need your help. I need info. I need pics. I need input. I need you to spread the word.

Here we will be able to:

To add your info. E-Mail me: Joseph K. Reaves, JReaves7@Aol.comSoon to come.Joe's Home Page

Here are the few addresses I have now:

Rocky Mount Sr. High, RMSH Home page.
Place to find other classmates, High School Alumni.
Tarsha M. Gardner Joyner,
Donald Armstrong, Ranier@WorldNet.Att.Net.
Carlton Exum, ASHANTIX@AOL.Com.
John E. Dawson, Banker@Interpath.Com.
Donald Deans, DDEANS@WebTV.Net.
James (Boo Boo) Lancaster, JEL@NortelNetWorks.Com.
Jamie L. Davis, Davisjl@US.IBM.Com.or go toJamie's Home page.
Zeleka Gillyard,
Michael E. Hansley,
Latosha Battle,
Here are some E-mail addresses of people not in class of '89

Michelle Reaves '87,

Corrie Hines(my sister also)'99,
Zenadia Ashley (my sister also)'98, go toZenadia's page I'm working on..
All these People here just E-mail me.
LaTonya Hunter Reaves(my wife)'91 Tina Joyner Heggins'88 Harvy Baker'88
In memory of George Battle.....Nicole Crociata.....Bradley James.....Christopher Winstead... But Thank God We Made IT!!!!...all things work together for the good of them that love God,....If God be for us who can be against us? Romans 8

Easter Link I hope this does not offend anyone if it does I will take it off
RMSH Chat Now  :
Joe Reaves, Tyrone Hunter, JoJo Peoples,Donald Armstrong, Tracey Leonaard, John and Fiance
Tarsha Gardner Joyner & Family

Here are some new pics I got off my camcorder. Please send me stuff to add to the page.

New PicsTake a LookNew Pics
New VIDEOThe Dance

Classic Band Pics

I couldn't get you guys to send me anything so I found these pics from some band trips. Do you remember were we were on our way to and where we were?
Bus #5 (The Smokeing Bus)
Sherry, Lisa and Chantelle "Going back to Calie"
Chill Will and Joe Cool booming in Morgantown.
Tracey I don't remember where we were.