This is my poetry page I hope you enjoy it and E-mail me about it at . I have never really done anything with this site, and it has been up for three years now. So since I might as well make some use out of it I have decided to go ahead and make a yahoo group, I am also working on finding a good host for an IRC chat and will post more on that later. The link to this pages group is

This is a story of magic and fantasy. I hope you enjoy.

And this my friends is where I put my short story :)

Yet another short story this one of action and a little romance.

Some of my poetry, most of it is from when I was young, and so not very good.

A short story by yours truly, this one written in March of 2003.

One of my older short stories, but I decided to put it up here anyway. For mature audeinces only.

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