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*Backstreet's Millennium*

*Backstreet's Millennium*

Welcome Everyone! Hope you like this new look for my page! This page is kept up by a very devoted Backstreet Boys fan, and if you're not one..then i guess you should leave..But for those of you who r fans..stay a while and dont forget to sign the guestbook, rate my page, and also send me stuff!!

Updated on 12.28.99!

Notes from ur Host of *BsB Millennium*

Hey Everyone, I probably don't have many people coming to this page anymore..ya know since i havent updated in 4 months?I dont know what I want to do about this page, cause i wanna keep it still, but i hardly have any time to update it..maybe if i get some help and'll be easier! Plus i was thinking of making just my favorites giving this page a whole new look...Have any comments? What do u think?!?!Ya know what would be even easier?! if some1 could help me and give me the lastest on the boys!!! well anyway still e-mail me and tell me ur opinions!!
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How sweet is Nick? He surprised Aaron on stage at his concert!! Look at those joyful tears on Aaron's face!!!=)

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Disclaimer: I am in nooooo way related to, know, met (even thought i'd like to :) or have had any kind of contact with the Boys (themselves), their band, families, security, crew...etc. So please refrain from sending me stuff addressed to them. Thanks!