
Know A/all that enter this website of Grayfeather3, that the soaring eagle welcomes Y/you, and keeps a vigilant eye out for Y/your Protection as Y/you enjoy some Peace and Tranquility.

Come, Listen to the Music, relax and get to know Me and My Loved Ones. And while Y/you are here, always Remember W/we are "Always as One".

Look into My eyes as Y/you speak to this One. Let Me gaze upon Y/you as Y/you tell Me what is in Y/your heart, so I may help Y/you seek it out..

Know that Y/you are with a loyal Brother to the True Masters; Protector, Mentor and Guide to the maidens. Do not let My teasing ways mislead; for as much as I love to play, I am fiercely protective of T/those I love and call F/family.

Disbelieve My words, and I will enjoy taking coup.

Now, Come and sit, let U/us enjoy O/one A/another; pray, break bread, and speak to O/one A/another. Let U/us guide E/each O/other along the roads of this world, remembering W/we are "As One"; Brother to Brother, sister to sister, ONE FAMILY.

I would like to acknowledge Dreams__smiles, and _singing_wind for their patience and help in making this page possible.... and the maidens who have also shown this Master that webpages should be made by A/all......cherish_me_always, precious_1, kathryn_MF, Mysterys_sprout, _shirin_NF, charished_beauty, gentle_kiane.....To all of you maidens I bow to you and thank you........... I am pleased to have included in My favorite websites, the works of two True Masters. I hope A/all will take the time to read, and learn the type of Man to be or to seek out.......
"TwoBecameOne" by MasterMystery
"Master's Thoughts" created by Master_in_Dreams..

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~Miss Smiles~
~To Master Mystery with Love~
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