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Lynn's Ever After Quotes



Cast List

Lady: Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved her father very much.

Gustov: You look like a girl!

Danielle: That's what I am, you half-wit!

Gustov: But today you look it!

Danielle: Forgive me, your highness, I did not see you.

Prince Henry: Your aim would suggest otherwise.

Marguerite: Why don't you sleep with the pigs, Cindersoot, if you insist on smelling like one?

Paulette: The only throne I want her sitting on is the one I have to clean every day

Danielle: Besides, you might break your royal neck and then where would we be?

Prince Henry: You swim alone, climb rocks, rescue servants. Is there anything you don't do?

Danielle: Fly!

Jacqueline: Of course, I shall never forget the way Margurite's feet went up over her head like that.

Danielle: I would rather die a thousand deaths before I see my mother's dress on that selfish, SPOILED COW!

Paulette: Why that was pure genius.

Leonardo DiVinci: Yes, I shall go down in history as the man who opened a door.

Queen Marie: Good Lord, are they always like this?

Jacqueline: Worse, your majesty.

Rodmilla: Jacqueline, darling, I'd hate to think you had anything to do with this.

Jacqueline: Of course not mother. I'm only here for the food.

(Marguerite throws a fit.)

Queen Marie: Good heavens child, are you alright?

Marguerite: There was a bee.

Danielle: I am visiting a cousin.

Prince Henry: Who?

Danielle: My cousin.

Prince Henry: Yes you said that. Which one?

Danielle: The only one I have sir.

Marguerite: Somebody's in trouble.

Queen Marie: Choose wisely Henry. Divorce is only something they do in England.

Rodmilla: One can not breath, one can not eat.

Marguerite: Oh, I do love a good intrigue.

Leonardo DiVinci: It looks like rain.

Danielle: Ahhhhh!!!!

King Francis: All right, who are you, and what have you done with our son?

Jacqueline: Mother, it's only a ball.

Rodmilla: Yes, and you are only going for the food.
