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Jessica Anderson: An Angel For Eternity.

Jessica Anderson: An Angel For Eternity.

Fifteen years old, beautiful, vivacious and kind. A daughter, a friend to many, Jessica Anderson has touched the hearts of all who knew her. She befriended several people through America Online's Planet Out (youth women chat). It seemed everyone who knew her loved her. On one occasion I was speaking to her, I learned that Jessica had a serious and deadly form of brain cancer. Astrocytoma/Glioma also called Glioblastoma Multiforme (High Stage). She was to leave for St. Jude's Cancer Research Center in two weeks for removal of the tumor and intensive chemotherapy and radiation. During those two weeks, we became amazingly close. The type of love we shared can only be described as a truly spiritual one. We discussed quite openly the things that are rarely discussed by teenagers trying to find a place in this world. We spoke of G-d, of life, of death and the meaning and values of all three as well as normal everyday talk. I felt blessed to have her in my life even though I knew it most likely wouldn't be everlasting. The day before she was supposed to leave for surgery I spoke to her on the phone. It had taken me the two weeks I knew her for me to persuade her to call me on the phone. She was afraid that it would hurt me. I spoke to her on the phone for quite some time, about whatever thoughts came to me. Her voice was young, frail and timid, I will never forget it. Her dad needed to use the fax machine and Jessica told me she needed to go. Before doing so, however, she said, "I love you." I whispered it back and I heard a faint goodbye. I seemed to know it would be the last time I would hear her voice. The next day, Sunday, September 6th. I was informed Jessica had suffered a brain hemmorage two hours before she was to leave for St. Jude's. I was devestated. Now, looking back, a month later, I have come to the realization that her death was more merciful for her than life probably ever would have been. While she was alive she touched the hearts of many and her last days were filled with love and caring. The legacy she has given me, a sacred promise I made with her: To live each day to the fullest and be the very best I can be. Not a day passes that I don't speak to her. Not a day passes that I don't think, "This is for you,Jessica." She has touched my life forever and for that I am eternally grateful. "I love you, Jess." ~Melissa Sign My Guestbook!!!
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Above, is a small collection of links that I have chosen to share with whoever who cares enought to get involved. There are many ways that one can make a difference in someone's life. Maybe you can help. I beseech you to at least take a few minutes to browse through some of these incredible pages. At the least, you will learn something. Perhaps you will even be touched by something you read or see. In any case, it is worth it to try. More links to come!!! Please check back here. E-mail me for further information as well as links to human rights sites and sights dealing with sexual orientation, suicide and depression. Questions/comments welcome!!


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