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+Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes+

Hear it


I took off for a weekend last month
Just to try and recall the whole year.
All of the faces and all of the places,
wonderin' where they all disappeared.
I didn't ponder the question too long;
I was hungrey and went out for a bite.
Ran into a chum with a bottle of rum,
and we wound up drinkin' all night.

It's those changes in latitudes,
changes in attitudes nothing remains quite the same.
With all of our running and all of our cunning,
If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.

These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;
Nothing remains quite the same.
Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane

Reading departure signs in some big airport
Reminds me of the places I've been.
Visions of good times that brought
so much pleasue
makes me want to go back again.
If it suddenly ended tomarrow,
I could somehow adjust to the fall.
Good times and riches and son of a bitches,
I've seen more than I can recall...(to chorus)

I think about Paris when I'm high on red wine;
I wish I could jump on a plane.
And so many nights I just dream of the ocean.
God, I wish I was sailin' again.
Oh, yesturdays are over my shoulder,
So I can't look back for too long.
There's just too much to see waiting in front of me,
and I know that I just can't go wrong
with these...(to chorus)

Years grow shorter, not longer,
the more you've been on your own.
Feelin's for movin' grow stronger'
so you wonder why you ever go home,
wonder why you ever go home.

People are movin' so quickly.
Humor's in need of repair.
Same occupations and same obligations;
they've really got nothing to share,
like drivin' around with no spare.

River gets deeper not shallow,
the further you move down the stream.
Wonderin'if I can keep her as I
race to keep up with my dreams.
How they shine and glitter and gleam.

Repeat First Verse

Now what do they do if I just sailed away
Who the hell really compelled me to leave today
Runnin' low on stories is what made it a ball
What would they do if made no landfall

I lived half my life in eight by five room
Just crusin' to the sound of the big deisel boom
It's not close quarters that would make me snap
It's just dealing with the daily unadulterated crap

Sail away for a month at a time,
Sail away I've got to recharge mind
Then you'll find me back at it again

Oh I love the smell of fresh snapper fried lite
What'd you say, pouilly fuisse could round out the night
The mid morning watch is the best time to look
Oh what would they do if I wrote the big book

`Cause I've seen incredible things in my year
Somedays were laughter, others were tears
If I had it all to do over again
I'd just get myself drunk and I'd jump right back in

Sail away, that's the way I survive
Sail away, that's just no shuck and jive
It just makes my whole life come alive

The wind whistled threw the cool rigging at night
Crazy crowds boogie to the sound and the lights
down in he's just havin a ball
What would he do on another landfall
What would they do if I made no landfall
Oh what would they do if I flew to Nepal
What would I do if I met Lucille Ball
Tryin' to make a little sense of it all
Just tryin' to make a little sense of it all

I must look a mess I must admit
But I have been traveling quite a bit
South of the border where the law and order
Is kept by Federales who just grin
And tell you they just want to be your friend
They tell you they just want to be your friend
I left for Tampico last July
I jumped off that boat I almost died

There to greet us were pretty senioritas
I swore that I would not go home them
All those lovely ladies were my friends
All those sweet chiquitas they don't pretend
Como esta, Senorita?

That is all I really want to say
I was thrown out of the country yesterday
You see I was drinkin' doubles
Causin' lots of trouble
When the man looked in the window of the bar and he grinned
And said if you come back we just may not be your friend
I don't want to see you around here again
You come back next time we may not pretend
Hi Dee Ho Boys!

Down around Biloxi
Pretty girls are dancin' in the sea
They all look like sisters in the ocean
The boy will fill his pail with salty water
And the storms will blow from off towards New Orleans

Sun shines on Biloxi
Air is filled with vapors from the sea
Boy will dig a pool beside the ocean
He sees creatures from his dream underwater
And the sun will set from off towards New Orleans

Stars can see Biloxi
Stars can find their faces in the sea
We are walking down beside the ocean
We are splashing naked in the water
And the sky is red from off towards New Orleans
And the sky is red from off towards New Orleans

Down around Biloxi
Pretty girls are swimming in the sea
They all look like sisters in the ocean
The boy will fill his pail with salty water
And the storms will blow from off toward New Orleans

Nibblin' on sponge cake,
watchin' the sun bake;
All of those tourists covered with oil.
Strummin' my six string on my front porch swing.
Smell those shrimp--
They're beginnin' to boil.

Wasted away again in Margaritaville,
Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt.
Some people claim that there's a woman to blame,
But I know it's nobody's fault.

Don't know the reason,
Stayed here all season
With nothing to show but this brand new tatoo.
But it's a real beauty,
A Mexican cutie, how it got here
I haven't a clue.

Wasted away again in Margaritaville,
Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt.
Some people claim that there's a woman to blame,
Now I think,-- hell it could be my fault.

I blew out my flip flop,
Stepped on a pop top;
Cut my heel, had to cruise on back home.
But there's booze in the blender,
And soon it will render
That frozen concoction that helps me hang on.

Wasted away again in Margaritaville
Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt.
Some people claim that there's a woman to blame,
But I know, it's my own damn fault.
Yes, and some people claim that there's a woman to blame, And I know it's my own damn fault.

IN THE SHELTER Jimmy Buffett
In the shelter, in the morning as
the sun was brightly gleaming,
I heard her crying out,
"What is it all about? I just don't know,
but I can't go back home."

Lonely princess, all the days out
on your own are growing empty.
Nothin' is goin' well; if you
could only tell them how you feel.
But they're too real to understand.

Too many trite expressions ending in
forced rejection long ago.
Too many innocent faces in too many
far-out places; something's wrong.

Let me tell you that something's wrong.
It's been thatway so long, and it's a shame.

On the street car to the city,
where she knows that she may lose it all,
riding for just a dime,
takin' her own sweet and knowing well
that this could be her final fall,
past the boutique, down the alley,
to the river, people pass her by.
She sits on the big grey rocks;
takes off her boots and socks,
not knowing what she will do next;
just starts to cry.

To many small suggestions ending in
angry questions from her dad.
To many TV dinners; ah, everyone
loves a winner, but she has lost.
No ones knows the trials she had.

In the shelter, in the morning as
the sun was brightly gleaming,
I heard her crying out,
"What is it all about? I just
don't know, but I can't go back home."
Hell, I just don't know, but
I can't go back home.

I guess it all blew up in Missoula
There just was no other way
After months of going crazy
There was nothing left to say
But when the dust had finally settled
And the air had quickly cleared
Things were better off than I had feared

And I miss you so badly
Girl I love you madly
Feelin' so sad now since I been gone
Gone, gone
And it gets quite confusin'
It seems that I'm loosin' track of
the long days since I been home

Were stayin' in a Holiday Inn full of surgeons
I guess they meet ther once a year
They exchange physician stories
And get drunk on Tuborg beer
Then they're off to catch a stripper
With their eyes glued to her G
But I don't think that I would ever let them cut on me

And I miss you so badly
Girl I love you madly
I think I been had tho, for stayin so long
Long, long
And I'm just watchin' the Gong show
Waitin' for Zorro
Loosin' the long day since I been home

I got a head of full of feelin' higher
And an ear full of Patsy Cline
There is just no one who can touch her
Hell I'll hang on every line
Oh crazy how things happen
It's incredible but true
Oh the longer I'm gone the closer I feel to you

And I miss you so badly
Girl I love you madly
I'm feelin' so glad just to be headin' home
Home, honme
And I been battling hotel maids
Chewin' on Rolaids
Countin' the hours `til I get home
Oh I been counting the hours `til I get home

Down to the Banana Republics
Down to the tropical sun
Go the expatriated American
Hopin' to find some fun

Some of them go for the sailing
Brought by the lure of the sea
Tryin' to find what is ailing
Living in the land of the free
Some of them are running to lovers
Leaving no forward address
Some of them are running tons of ganja
Some are running from the IRS

Late at night you will find them
In the cheap hotels and bars
Hustling the senioritas
While they dance beneath the stars
Spending those renegade pesos
on a bottle of rum and a lime
Singin give me some words I can dance to
Or a melody that rhymes

First you learn the native custom
Soon a word of Spanish or two
You know that you cannot trust them
Cause they know they can't trust you

Expatriated American feelin' so all alone
Telling themselves the same lies
that they told themselves back home

Down to the Banana Republics
Things aren't as warm as they seem
None of the natives are buying
any second hand American dreams

Late at night you will find them
In the cheap hotels and bars
Hustling the senioritas
while they dance beneath the stars
Spending those renegade pesos
On a bottle of rum and a lime
Singing give me some words I can dance to
Or a melody that rhymes

Down to the Banana Republics
Down to the tropical sun
Go the expatriated Americans
Hopin' to find some fun

Drink it up
This ones for you
It's been a lovely cruise
I'm sorry it's ended
It's sad but it's true
Honey it's been a lovely cruise

These moments were left with
May you always remember
These moments are shared by few
There's wind in our hair
And there's water in our shoes
Honey, it's been a lovely cruise

These moments we're left with
May you always remember
These moments are shared by few
And those harbor lights
Aw they're coming into view
We bid our farwell much too soon
So drink it up
This one's for you
Honey, it's been a lovely cruise
Yea baby, it's been a lovely cruise
Oh darlin' it's been a lovely cruise

+Jimmy Notes+

I knew I had really hit the big time when Changes in Latitudes came out because that was the first time I would remember having my own section in the record bins at record shops. Before that time, if I could find an album, it would be jammed into the "B" bin along with a dozen more unknowns. I'll confess now, that when I found one, I would always put it in front of the pile. But with Changes in Latitudes, all that changed. It only took another couple of years for them to learn to spell my name right.

+return to paradise+