Enter world of WHITE ZOMBIE...

Welcome to Zerozombie's Homepage!I just got finished adding some of the sections, but im still not finished. BUT!, I just got finished updating my page, that means tour dates, more pics, and more accurate info! Dont think that because White Zombie split up means they dont rule anymore..!

if you wish to continue, take into consideration this...the particular site you are at contains images and phrases that might be, and most likely will be offensive to YOU! Please, if you feel the least bit offended by visiting this page, leave now.

I know I havn't taken much time to update my page, but i've been really busy with some shit...I had to steal the Parental Advisory type of Rob's Cd for the 25-page book(I couldn't help myself!), and I just had to delete the whole thing from my bin 'cause its like illegal or sumptin to do that...(i dunno). Anyway, its January 21, today, and im updating everything! thats right, ya lil' bastards, every section that was as lame as the other WZ pages you just so happen to mosey on in on, well, they're changin'! Expect to see the changes NOW!. Thanks for so much of your patience, and keep it comin', cause in my eyes, White Zombie hasn't died out!

Put e-mail in this thing right here.

look, people. i am NOT rob. i know its too freakin' bad, but im not.... if you're gonna e-mail me, dont say, "I think you're the most kickin' metal singer in the whole world," or, "you rule, rob, i love you sooo much!" can love rob all you want, just dont tell me about it. Mail a letter to him personally at the address below, but dont make me get pissed because everyone thinks im Rob. (just a friendly message)

Hell Yeah! Rob is finally on tour! Check out Tours for more info!

Zombie Reference

Zombie Lyrics
Latest Zombie News
Zombie Pics
Zombie Discography
Special Pic of Rob
Zombie Tour Dates

Well, i've been doin' alright. Hope y'all's have been, too. Anyway, from Septemeber 98, i got this far. Have fun, psychoholics.

And for all of u zombies out there with ICQ, contact me.


For all of u who dont, well, get ithere


Mail Rob Zombie PERSONALLY at this address, for more personal questions of course - guahahaha!

Write To:


8491 Sunset Blvd. #215
Hollywood, CA 90069

There has been zombie visitors since September '98

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Wheres my recognition?