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the picture page

Want to practice MONO-LINE? Do you have a profile GOODYEAR RACER or a QUICKY-RAT? Try this setup.

These sketches of wedge tanks were provided by Ken Barthel. I use the .21 size on my .15 sport trainer set up on suction uniflow.

The .40 size is used in my F-40 with crankcase pressure and has been very reliable. If I'm correct, these were designed by Bill Nusz.

The tank in Jim Rhoades' .40 looks very similar to mine. Try them out and let me know how they go.

Bill Garners beautiful AQUARIUS

...features a butterfly tail, inverted engine and high thrust line...

...the HOT CANARY is now perched on the VINTAGE PAGE.


...a low thrust line and drag center, similar to the standard upright prop ship. The inboard tank placement served to deliver fuel at an increased rate when at speed, delivering more power.

Carl China's VIPER II

...gorgeous upright "B" PROTO. Low thrust line featuring thin, low aspect ratio wings.

Hal Stevenson's NEW ANGLE II

...I just like it...

Clifford.A. Telford's TOP CAT D

...An upright design, low thrust line and very large rudder to compensate for the large engine cowl.

This design with the wing coming right on the thrust line is probably what is called for to achieve a neutral handling JET.

It is featured in SPEED TIMES. I'm dumbfounded. Did it actually fly? Did the pipe bend on every landing? Didn't the soldered on supports melt?

Another S/T feature. You gotta love us Italians!

John Goggins sent this page for a '64 Aeromodeller mag on alternative forms of mono-line control handles.

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