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Wanna make a ton of money just by surfing the web??? JUST CLICK ON MY SPONSORS AND ENTER THE CONTEST!!!!

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Welcome to the homepage of the writer of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers column on If you haven't check it out yet, go to and also visit the bold Alladvantage URL I have listed down below to enter my contest!!!

The winner of Rena Mero's autograph from her first PLAYBOY issue is... Mark Wilson!!!

Now, for the next two months I am holding another contest! This time you have to copy the BOLD AllAdvantage URL, paste it in the URL address box, and sign up. THAT'S IT!!! THERE ARE NO FEES FOR YOU TO PAY...NONE!

This month, the prize is a MANKIND AUTOGRAPHED BOOK AND A T-SHIRT OF HIM!!! HURRY up, enter your chance to WIN!!!

Hi, I'm Jeff Brown. This could be the best thing anybody has ever came across that wants to make money on the web. How does it work? You just surf the web and look at ads that don't get in the way of your surfing! Unbelievable right? No! So come on and join in on the fun!

If you think about it, if you join the two groups you could be making $2.50 dollars an hour by surfing. If you surf 40 hours a month, that means you would make $100 in 1 MONTH! Which adds up to $1200 in a year! Plus if you join the companies that, you could double or even triple that!!! Now if you sign up referrals, you could make a whole ton more than that, and a mean a lot more!

The above is a great deal if you're a webmaster. Just read the flashing text, if you like it, then click. And don't forget here to the right. This is what I mainly use. You'll make 50 cents an hour when you click on the banner and sign up! If the banner doesn't work, copy and paste this URL:

Copy and paste the following to make money by just reading e-mails!

This company's URL also pays you to read e-mail:

Get Paid to Surf @

The following banner still works even though the picture doesn't show up, CLICK ON IT!!!

These banners don't work either, but you can STILL CLICK ON BOTH OF THEM!!!


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As you know I took off the ValuePay add on site at the bottom. Why? Well at certain times of the day, Microsoft takes over and puts a completely different page on. That's a hassle when trying to log in. To me that's unacceptable and unprofessional.

Thank you, and good luck with the companies you choose. If you need to contact me, you can contact me at: