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Every day Good samaritans

The christmas of 1997, we had a very rough couple of years.
In 1996 our house burned down and we spent 8 months in a motel while they rebuilt the house, but many other things happened to make life complicated and hard during the year.
Christmas was coming and we had gotten everyone presents. We were going to have a small christmas, but it was going to be good, the only thing we didn't have was enough money to go visit our adopted family memeber who unfortunately was in prison. He had no one but us. It was a 200 mile drive from our home and our truck was a gas hog. There wasn't any money to visit him for christmas. It may not seem like a big thing, but to someone who has no one and nothing, a visit for christmas means the world. I had prayed that somehow we would be able to come up with the money to visit him and let him know that we cared.
It was Christmas eve day and still we didn't know how we were going to go to visit our friend. That afternoon one of the children went out to get the mail and on the porch was an envelope addressed to the family, I opened it and it was a card and $100. the card was unsigned, we have no clue who it was from. I called my husband at work and just cried on the phone. I told him about the card and I said you know what we have to do with this money don't you? He said "yes, we will go visit him."
I still have no clue who it was that left that money and I'm sure they intended us to use it for our children or what ever, but that visit was very special for our friend and made him feel loved and wanted, which is what christmas is all about.
So Thank you to the good samaritan who made it possible for us to visit someone who needed it.


These are the stories I have recieved email about everyday good samaritans

If you have a good story to tell, email me and we will publish it here.


Story #2

On Nov. 3 , 1993 [I think] we were in town , 20 miles from our house, when out of nowhere came an ice storm and soon we were not able to drive anymore. The wheels on the car were just spinning. Luckily we were close to a motel where we chose to spend the night and itwas close to Sue's work for in the morning. To our surprise the next morning there was 18" of fresh snow. Our area is not prepared to deal with that kind of snow, so they declare a state of emergency and warn all except 4 X 4 vehicles and emergency vehicles to stay off the roads. Well, our car couldn't make it anywhere and after a few calls for a ride turned up nothing we were getting pretty dissappointed. We had two little dogs at home and the wood heat was now off and the temp. was supposed to drop into the minus 20's overnight and what were we going to do? I walked across the parking lot to a little store to get us some food and while I was shopping a plump old man that looked like Santa Claus said to me as a very matter of factly, "Do you know my jeep will go when nothing else will?" I said "Really?". He said he hadjust taken someone somewhere they had to get." Hesitantly I asked if he might want to take a 20 mile trip into the blizzard to feed a couple of little dogs. " "let me gas up a we're on our way!" He said cheerfully, and on our way we were! It took us 4 hours to go 19 miles and then with the help of a neighbor with a big tractor I was able to get home and start a fire and feed two cold, lonely little dogs. To me Mr. Carl Leeper of Paducah, Ky. is a very good samaritan! Sincerely Steve and Sue.

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