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A Little Romance </head>
By Walker Sainvil

Like most love affairs, it began with a flirtatious act. Both innocent, expecting nothing more than a careful glance and a sly smile. Once in a while, you'd yearn to hear her voice. Just a little comfort reminding you that someone cares. Be careful not to plant any memories or be part of a memory. As cupid himself would tell you that memories are dangerous because they cannot be forgotten. Go on with your dull life…. Don't think that one individual will change it. But…. She did look good in her mini-dress…stop…. quickly erase that image from your mind. Don't think how smooth her skin is. Let her hand go…. Whatever you do, do not kiss her hands for your lips will yearn for more. Ok….now you've gone too far. You are actually thinking of when you will see her again. Memory is your only comfort. Each image going by in slow motion. What now? Is she thinking of you? Heed my warning and walk away while time continues. If this charades continues, time will stand still. You cannot go forward or backwards. Turn off the lights and lay quietly in the dark. Let music take your mind away before she takes your soul away. Relax….Soon, dawn will come and you will see her again. Pretend that you don't care, don't greet her with a smile, but a nonchalant hello. See if she cares. Don't let her kiss your cold cheeks. Back off…. Too late. Will you wash your face again? You are smiling….that's not a good sign. For just a moment, time has stop. For your own sanity beg Father Time to wind the clock. Let the day end. End it now! Now I say! Pick a fight with her. Criticize her hair…. Find something quick before her eyes seduces you. The memories are building. I suggest you take a drink from the river lethe. She accepted your suggestion. She changed her hair. Your smile is growing wider. One more act of kindness and you're hooked. Yes…she kissed your cold cheeks again for improving her appearance. A look of amazement is on your face. You still fail to realize one important detail. What if she only thinks of you as a friend? Will you be hurt. Can you truly accept her decision or will you become a night stalker. Stop while you're ahead. It's not too late. Kiss her goodbye and go. That's it one step at a time…. Do not look back. Walk straight with your head held high. You did it. You suppressed her beauty and flirtatiousness.

Days pass and you are still miserable. You are pathetic. Pick up the phone when it rings. Do not shut out the world. You did the right thing. Wait! The memories will pass. I promise. Suppress your tears. After all she wasn't your soul mate. Or was She? Ok…Ok…I didn't mean that. There's only one way to test your true feelings. Call her. See if she missed you in the same manner. I bet she has moved on. Or better yet, I bet she changed her number. But I warn you, if she accepts your call, keep it brief. Do not let her angelic voice mesmerize you. "Hello"…. That's it…it's over. Once again you are too weak…. You agreed to have lunch with her? The tears are dried and you are smiling again. Once again I ask you…. Is she your soul mate? Will you bring her flowers? Will you apologize? Great! If you are planning to do What I told you not to, I hope you do it right. Do not hold back. Be prepared for the results. Whether good or bad, just know that I will always be by your side as the voice of reasons.

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