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What Enlightenment Really Means


What Veranah has to say:

Enlightenment is simply, finally, this: willingness.

It is the willingness to have an open mind.

It is the willingness to be brave and courageous. It is the intent to live your life with courage and with honesty.

It is the willingness to examine new things, to release or ignore your own defensiveness and embrace something different.

It is the willingness to be curious, to explore, to be surprised.

It is the willingness to take the next step, to go one more color up, one more sound up, one more vibration higher.

It is the willingness to know that all things are connected, that all is One, and all is Love.

It is not that you stop all your not-so-helpful behaviors or thoughts. It is that you are willing to do so. See this?

It is the willingness to let go of fear. What is not love is fear.

Enlightenment is the willingness to connect, truly connect, with your world. You cannot be wholly connected in spirit if you are not wholly connected in body.

It is the willingness to love and be loved.

We would say here that Love is everywhere, always. It is ALL there is. We refer only to your human enlightenment. Spirit is always willing, body is not. See this?

Enlightenment is not this thing or that. It is not "believing this" or "doing that". Enlightenment is the willingness to grow, the willingness to stay in the flow. Enlightenment, friend, is the very willingness to experience evolution.

Evolution, as we have given, is not the end, not the result, but the process, the step-by-step movement. Evolution is a process, not an event.

Enlightenment is simply being willing. Just be willing. Know for yourself that willingness is always your path to growth. Enlightenment is growth. Growth is change. None of those things happens without first the willingness. No light can shine, no change into newness, no growth on a path to enlightenment can happen without the initial willingness.

And this time we engage in prediction. We see and understand that the question arises, "How can I always be willing?". We would say here that this should not worry you, friend. Hold your truth: you are willing. Say to yourself, aloud or silently, "I am willing." Hold that truth. Know this for yourself. That alone is enough. Be willing and the rest will follow in good time.

No magic, this. You will not wake up tomorrow after having contemplated this willingness idea and be ENLIGHTENED. Enlightenment is as much a quiet, subtle millisecond of time as it is a life-altering occurence. It is not this or that, we remind you; it is simply the willingness to BE enlightened. If you are willing, the enlightenment is automatic.

This is truth, and this we promise to you: Be willing and enlightenment is already yours.


What others have to say:

Enlightenment is realizing that it's all here right now, right here. It is also understanding it has all been here all the time, and if we ever missed anything in the past, it was because we forgot this.

Enlightenment is also knowing that nothing separates us from all there is and all there can be. No other person or thing can be the reason we don't have what we want. It is impossible for anything else to be interposed between us and the source of all good. We each are the complete reason for every facet of our lives.

Finally, enlightenment is knowing the way to access the power of the Universe is to look inward, not to ask some other power. There is no other power.

--From L.I. in Florida


. . . from the point of view of a dowser which I am, enlightenment is the unhindered flow of energy through all the parts of your body. My goal is to regain the 12-stranded(?) DNA like symbolised in the star of David (6x2) or even better in the Quantum Star (3x4).

--From B.S. in Denmark


[The]Ability to see beyond doing what's right or wrong from fear, choosing to do so for the betterment of others.

--From S.D. in Oklahoma


Enlightenment is openness to becoming your truest self, and helping or allowing others to become their truest selves. You must speak your truth and allow others to share it, if they like. You must listen for the truth; you'll know it when you hear it.

--From S.C. in Florida


Enlightment by my definition is one word... peace. Whether it be peace of mind, peace of spirit, etc. When/if I reach that point there will be no more insecurity or judging but total acceptance of myself as well as others. Just peace.

--From C.N. in Georgia


If you would like to offer your view, definition, or description of enlightenment, please email it to me via the link below. You never know how your own wisdom might resonate.


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