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Selected Channelings
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What Veranah Has to Say

I channel a group entity, a collective of discarnate souls. The name I use for them came as a result of my need to call them something. "Veranah" is not their name, nor is it one any of them has ever had. It is simply a combination of sounds that is pleasing to me and to them, and was chosen over several sessions.

They always begin a session with the following words:

We greet you in love and we greet you with love.

This means that they greet us within the love that fills the universe, as a part of the love that is everywhere, that is everything. It also means that they send us their own love, which adds to the love in the universe. Adding to the love is a primary task of all beings, everywhere.

The transcripts of channeled sessions that follow are edited only for clarity. These are primarily excerpts, and will vary from time to time.

On meditation:

~When you meditate, you think of yourself as slowing down, as changing the pace you feel to a slower one. While your physical body may appear to be operating at a slower level, this is not so. Your vibration changes, yes, but it increases!

On being human:

~Do not let the knowledge that you are spirit diminish or lessen your human experience! No, no, no. Human-ness is a great and wondrous thing.

~A great portion of the difficulties you face on earth is the denial of your human-ness. You want to fly beyond that human part of yourself. No, no, no. You are there to BE human! We cannot stress this enough. A better way is to say that your real goal is to BE your humanity, BE human, while also BEing your spirit. The path to the spirit is only through the very physical, very touchable choice of being human. So do not deny your human-ness. BE it. Allow it. Let it flow.

With all the pains, let it flow. This is the choice you made, so do not deny yourselves, or your Selves, the experience. Ah, but here we find the occasional hardship for some of you.

The growth is in the flow, in the movement, in the going beyond an experience. Stagnation is the word for not growing. If you fail to flow with the experience, no matter how painful, you stagnate. And like a physical wound, it does not heal when allowed to take on a life of its own.

So whether the wound is physical, spiritual, or emotional, or mental, you must allow it to be, then move past, move beyond. It only has life when you give it life. It is only a part of you, a part of your experience, not its own experience. By feeding it and denying it, you give it a life of its own. And then you are not growing and flowing.

So, allow the experience, for it has a purpose. But do not give it life.

~Do not deny any aspect of your human-ness. This you have chosen and this you must allow. Even the joys of your life should not be given lives of their own . . . they are yours to experience, to move through, so allow them to add to your growth. When joys (like sadnesses) are are allowed to have life themselves, they become the focus, the reason, the source, and this is not the way to growth. You must own the experience!

Whether it is a good one that brings you joy, or a sad one that brings you pain, you must have the experience, then make the movement away from it to the next experience. That is not to say you forget. That would wipe away the learning. Always remember. A lesson not learned or a growth not fully accepted is today will be there tomorrow.

Remembering is not the same as giving the experience control or life. YOU are the extension of God, not the experience. It is transitory, you are not. Experiences are just that . . . experiences. They only have life if you give them life. To do so is a mistake. Giving an experience control (life) takes away the gift of growth and of life from yourself.

Flow with it, then flow past it. Remember it. If no further lessons are needed from that experience, then you will find it fading, fading, fading. But leave it on the shelf in the light.

On health:

~Think about why you were given the affliction by your Self. Think about why you chose it. What have you learned from it? When the lessons are clear, the problem will disappear.

~The sun does heal. It is not the sun that causes disease like cancer. It is the pollution. Sunlight is healing in the proper doses. You think of it as soaking or drinking it in, and this is so. It is good to do this.

~Cancer is fear and anger.

~The senses are avenues for healing and growth. All things are for learning.

Humans have the sense of touch. The laying on of hands and the use of touch on the aura is a powerful healing tool.

Humans have the sense of sight, of light. Many are now discovering, and for some it is rediscovering, the use of light. Colors are especially good for healing and growth.

~Eat more raw foods. Eliminate foods that come from suffering. Take exercise and movement with purpose. Meditate!

Humans have the sense of smell. We have discussed this before. Scent is a healing tool. To bathe oneself in artificial scent deadens the body's ability to heal through the avenue of scent. Even placing natural scent on the body is not a good thing for the body, nor for others nearby. This is a growth tool, a learning tool, a healing tool, not something to adorn oneself with. Again, as has been given, ask what it is that the body is hiding from that there is a need to wash oneself in scent.

Hearing is another sense that is a pathway for discovering the higher realms of spiritual growth. We would say here that growth is healing. And healing is growth. Remember this. Tones, notes, rhythms, all connect the physical body to the higher self.

Taste is yet another pathway for learning and healing. It is not for the purpose of taking in the foods of death and suffering, but to take in the substances of life, of light, of love. Raw foods are best for the body, especially now. Taste -- food -- can accelerate healing. Certain foods activate the connections to the higher self, and thus, healing occurs. See this?

~Now, it is important to understand the connection between speaking and hearing. Words, and other human sounds, also connect to the higher self in the speaker and listener. Often, the two higher selves connect in a unique way.

These two healing paths, speaking and listening, are connected strongly and are almost as one, yet not. It is possible to create healing by speaking or singing. Human tones and sounds are powerful, as are the sounds produced by all things.

~It is good to remember that you must, must, incorporate your own intuitive sense into a healing. Use this picture: A bright, dense red with warmth and vibrance might work for one healer or for one who asks for healing. For another, it might be a clear, energetic, shining red, like glass. Think on this as you contemplate your path on giving or accepting healing. As will all things, you must do what feels best to you.

~Eat more of the raw foods, eliminate the foods that come from suffering. Partake of exercise and movement with a purpose. Meditate.

On growth:

~The opportunities for great advancement and growth have never been greater or easier. Simply walk through the doorway, choose the path of enlightenment. You need not know when, how, where, or why you are going along the path. You need not know what, if anything, the path will lay at your feet. Know only that you are willing.

When you enter a classroom, you need not know the details of what the teacher will teach. You simply are willing, and you state your willingness by being there. Understand this: If you already knew the details, you would not need the school or the teacher.

Willingness is the key.

~Many people have a need to hide. Hats, cloaks, heavy clothing, cosmetics, all contribute to hiding. To be truly here and in the now, you must shed the physical things behind which you hide. For some it is a hairstyle or style of clothing. Watch these in your own life to see ways in which you might hide.

That is not to say that making oneself attractive is wrong. We are saying that the hair can flatter, the clothes can flatter, without embellishing for the purpose of hiding. Be the self.

Perfumes and colognes are abominations on the body. Natural scents are always helpful and good for the body, mind, and spirit. But keep them only nearby in their natural states. Keep them as a bouquet of flowers or as dried fruits or pieces of fragrant wood. To put the chemicals and scents on the body is harmful. Keep the body free of inorganic substances.

These perfumes are neither pleasant nor healthy. Ask yourself these questions: What am I hiding? Why do I need to hide behind the perfume?

Remember to have the real and genuine scents around you, but not on you. You are you. You are not a flower, or a tree, or an artificial scent. Be yourself. Do not rely on the many forms a mask (or a cage?) can take.

~You must believe in Self, in your essence of spirit.

~You have been given great teachers in this time of change. Seek them out. Listen to them. Learn.

You have been given these tools, teachers and healers, as a gift. Take up the tools, you might say. Move forward.

On God:

~It is not so much that God answers prayer, as that we create the answer. So in essence, since we are God, God creates. But it is us. We create our own lives.

~God is whatever God is. God takes whatever form and whatever energy you want God to take. God does not mind, for it all leads to growth and learning, which only adds to God. There is no one idea or concept that explains or describes God. When you believe you have found the ultimate, or the greatest, allow your mind to take it one step more. You will see, you will understand, that God is even more than you thought. Then take it one step again, and one more step again, and so on.
~Any limitation of God also limits you and others.

On non-human animals:
~There are times when humans drag other lifeforms down. You can see this in the activities of hunting, of caging, of training. That only retards the spiritual growth of the humans engaging in such things. It not only retards, or prevents forward movement, it often sends the spirit backward. Now, we are not saying that this would be a huge backward movement, only that some backward movement can occur.

Humans have a clear responsibility to assist in the evolution of non-humans. This is one of the tasks humans agreed to assume eons ago. When they do not, there is no gain, no advancement, and in truth, there is loss.

Now, this deal, this agreement, is two-fold. A part of non-humans' purpose is to assist humans in various ways. Horses are a good example of this. And we would say here that much information has been given through others on this same topic. Briefly, horses agreed to be what you might call beasts of burden for humans -- to see humans through a specific period of evolution. They have done their part. It is time to let them rest. It is time to grow past the need to control them, to force them to work, to entertain you. Why not simply appreciate them for what they are, not for what you can make them? Think on this.

On love:
~It is not hate that is evil -- it is the absence of love. Sometimes these two events can coincide and seem quite the same. To give love creates more love. That is the one and only constant in the Universe.

~To add to the love in the universe is the Primary Task of all beings everywhere.

On fear:
~There are paths that some fear to take. To do so would disrupt their comfortable systems of belief. It is not our task, nor is it yours, to force a change.

~As we have given, it is fear that is the opposite of love, not hate. It is fear that is the greatest emotion for humans to overcome. It is fear that is the simple, single root of all that you would perceive as negative.

~Think on this: What is the cause of war? You might say it is greed. So think again. What is the cause of greed? You might say envy or power, but we ask you to continue this line of thinking. You will, sooner or later, come to see that it is fear.

~And so, the greater, or Higher, question is this: Are you willing to let go of your fears?

On the collective Veranah:
~We try only to open doorways, show the paths, and trust that you will continue to seek the Higher answers for yourselves. When you take these ideas into meditation, clarification comes. This is truth. We cannot communicate in a way that is clear to everyone. One glory of the Universe is that no matter our bonds and connections, we are all different -- infinitely different.

A paradox: all One, but all different.

This is another reason why so many single and collective entities now communicate through so many channels . . . because we connect along different lines, different pathways. No one teacher can can teach everything or everyone. And this is so at higher levels, as well.

~So, again, we ask you, we remind you, to seek your own answers. Allow us -- any of us you know as higher sources -- to be guides, then take joy in your own pathways of seeking!

~It should be understood without judgment that any information received by humans from higher sources is always subject to the biases of the human, and -- this is important -- the biases of the source! Yes, for we ask you to understand our imperfections as well. While it is true that we are not attached to the physical in quite the ways you are, we still have attachments. As has been given, we are grateful for the opportunity to learn and flow through the experiences of various forms of attachments. However, it remains that we have attachments.

Honesty in self-examination is one of the dominant traits of this collective. We are more attached to [this channel] than to one with whom we have never had experiences. This does not lessen the love or concern we have for all the universe and all the manifestations in the universe. It simply means that we have more experience, more shared experiences with some than with others.

And so our attachments to, or shared experiences with [this channel] will give our communications a different perspective. For everyone, every lifeform at every Level, experiences shade what is shared, whether sent or received.

On earth:
~There is a unique glory and magnificence that only Earth has. You have chosen Earth. Think on this. Would you chop down your own house? Burn it? Earth is your house. And now, after so much destruction and and damage, you are experiencing the results along with Earth itself.

~Time is short. You might say now is the time to take a karmic leap. Help Earth to heal, and in so doing, heal yourselves. Do not wait for Earth to do it alone, which is happening now.

A commonality among us all is that assisting others, regardless of the form the other takes, is a task of God.

On money:
~Nothing happens without greater reason. And we remind you that what you receive, you should also give. Do not trust what is not, or cannot be, shared. Think on this.

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