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Shivan's SW:CCG World


Welcome to THE most up and coming SW:CCG page on the net!

All Rights To Star Wars, SW:CCG , and anything else reserved to Decipher Inc.(r)


6-28 I am sorry, I have been away for a week and a half, and have not updated for a while! I finished all the Rules Supplements and please will you all visit my guest book, my vote on my page booth, and my FREE FOR ALL LINKS PAGE!!!!! Thanks!

6-12 I added some new Dream Cards thanks toThe Rukhmeister!!!!

6-8 I have a FREE-FOR-ALL LINK PAGE!up! If you go there please leave as many links as you can!!

6-7 I now have all the Rule Supplements Up and I also have a Guestbook!

6-6 I have a new page up! It is an online Chat Room! Visit it!

6-3: I Again have been off for a while! I have been busy with finals and end of the year stuff! I will be back into it soon! Also please! I need Dream Cards! If you have any E-Mail them to Me!

5-21: Sorry I haven't Updated in like a month, but I haven't been online enough to do it! I got a lot of JP but I don't have the whole list of them yet so E-Mail Me! Also, I have my Dream Card Archive! opened up! Please E-Mail Me all the Dream Cards you have. Thanx!

4-28: I got my first Award! Go see it! Also, The Super SW:CCG Rules Suplement is up and running at!

4-22: Hey I got some new ICQ listings and some more cool stuff!

4-12: Nothin Really New Just some new ICQ listings

4-4: Hello This is my first upadte to the page in a long... time! I have spread the page out over my sub-pages and now you can see my ICQ List

Go to my secure Terms Page!

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