The Microcomputer Users Group
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The Microcomputer Users Group

of Tampa Bay, Florida


Meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month,



Table of Contents

· Meetings/News/Map·
· The TMUG Bylaws·
· The Club Officers and Directors·
· TMUG News·
· Web Links·

e-mail TMUG for info

The Microcomputer Users Group known as "TMUG",

is a non-profit educational organization located in Largo, Florida.

The groups purpose is to bring together PC users throughout

the Tampa Bay area for learning, sharing and fellowship.

The club meets the 1st Wednesday of each month, usually.

Further details about our meetings (and a map)

can be obtained from our meetings page.

Our meetings are open to all visitors,

so if you're in the Largo area please come join us!

Membership in TMUG costs $20.00 a year

and includes such benefits as:



· Monthly meetings.
· Monthly newsletter mailed to your home.
· Special Intrest Groups (SIGS).
· Participation in door-prize drawings.
· Attendance at special seminars and workshops.
· Participation in group purchases.
· Club Dinners.
· FREE classified ads in newsletter, PC related.
· TMUG Web-Site.




HITS since 2000:


The Association of Personal Computer Users Groups

Florida Association of Computer User Groups

Send your thoughts to the address below or use the links provided
we welcome your comments.

c/o Bob Ingersoll
3799 Anglers Lane
Largo, FL 33774

TMUG Meeting Info and Map
TMUG Bylaws
TMUG Officers & Directors
Web Links
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

Please direct your questions to : David C. Gates Webmaster.

Site Last Updated: March 22, 2007

Our TMUG webpage --- created by Renate Marsh, TMUG member

Windows Tips & Tricks
She has many animated tutorials on her webpage
with helpful visual instructions
to use and operate Your Windows system.

Do you have a webpage? Please let us know and we will create a link
from here to there.