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Of all the frictional resistances,
the one that most retards human movement is ignorance,
what Buddha called "the greatest evil in the world."
The friction which results from ignorance
can be reduced only by the spread of knowledge
and the unification of the heterogeneous elements of humanity.
No effort could be better spent.
-Nikola Tesla

As of summer 1999, this website is no longer being maintained.
Perhaps some time in the future i will re-update, or link to a new site.


Since the dawn of recorded history, human society has witnessed many remarkable changes.
Each era has had its own telltale characteristic features, and its own built in belief systems that naturally coincided with the scientific and philosophical views of the time.

Generally, each new era of civilization, was fuelled by a new discovery of some sort, and this discovery was a drastic enough departure from the previous norms(or beliefs) of the people of the previous era; to cause a shift in the way that people viewed their lives.

While these paradigm shifts seem to be part of a natural evolution of consciousness, humans seem to remain in a particular level of awareness for some time. Later, when new scientific/philosophical discoveries are made, many people deny the realizations which these discoveries imply. They deny the truth because they are either not able(or not ready) to believe that what they had thought was solid truth, was nothing more than an(often superstitiously believed) illusion, or they denied it because they were in an elite position, a position of power; and to allow such a change could mean that they might loose some(or all) of that intoxicating control and the wealth that comes along with it. Fortunately the truth always comes out sooner or later. But not without a price.

I am reminded of Socrates, who was made to drink poison, because he posed philosophical questions to people who in turn questioned their society as a whole, from a more independent mindset. Let's also not forget about Galileo, who(like Copernicus) dared believe that the world wasn't the center of the universe.

We again appear to be in one of those times just before such a change will occur. Over the last century or so, society has witnessed a rapid evolution of the human mind. With the advent of the telegraph(and subsequent telephone), a person on one continent could speak to someone on another with the utmost ease. With the Television, we are able to see breaking news, or wars, or discoveries, as they happen, all from the comfort of our couch.

Now, with the advent of computers, and(equally important) internet communications via phone lines, we are able to interact and share information with each other, no matter where one lives.

Only now, for the first time in human history, has humanity as a whole, witnessed such a dramatic increase in intelligence, on a global scale.

As the collective consciousness of humanity is jumping such leaps and bounds, many are once again questioning the belief systems of this passing age. Anyone who has surfed the Web(or watched X-Files!) is aware of some of the many conspiracy theories that abound nowadays. Of course, many of those theories, are just that; but I believe that it is wise to take some of these ideas into consideration.

Nobody knows exactly what direction humanity will take in the future, but we must keep our minds open. We must challenge our beliefs! Look outside folks, our ecosystem is on the brink of collapse! Crime is rampant on our streets! Those same elites who always try to slow or inhibit change are still at it. They are still trying to keep secrets from the "ignorant" masses. Well, guess what? The masses aren't so ignorant any more! Even if the Governments of our world and the corporate/media elites never tell the general population what they REALLY know about the state of our world, people will never the less make those discoveries that they crave, and they'll make it in a whole new way; by the sharing of information.

With hundreds of millions of World Wide Web users, and millions more that will join in the fun each year; there's a whole LOT of opinions out there for people to share.

This site will confront a few of the many issues that seem to be swirling around, just beyond view.

Here, you'll find some quotes from a few
of the worlds greatest(but sometimes forgotten)thinkers.

A little bit about the author.

International Distress Signal

Beam me up ScottyTo the next dimmension!
where reality is

The Millennium Zone

Are we being watched?

On my Links Page you'll find links to other(more useful!) Web Sites.

Our most basic link is that we all inhabit the same planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future.
-John F Kennedy

-If you are conscious of something, it means it is inside your consciousness.
So, everything you perceive "outside" is in fact INSIDE your mind.
Only a perception.
The whole universe you perceive now is this perception,
the "shape" of your consciousness now.
Hence the right science for reality is not Physics
but a science of consciousness.
-Frank Hatem

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