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WELCOME TO THEMAC Most of you know me as Drizzt Do'Urden this page features Profiles of Remarkable people of Britainia and other cool stuff Turn Up your Speakers Cause this page has the best tracx ever Comment to me in the new guest book!, or The message board!

4 new bios for Ya'll today, if you haven't checked back in awhile! Locke of SAS, Vero, and more!!

 -NEWS- June2nd
Well, we got two more new ones for ya! Locke of SAS and Vero of Osp! a treat for each of you, RPer and Pvper alike! hehe. Enough exclamation marks for ya? NHL news the Sabers make the final and tickets are sold out in the first 8mins, people camped all night for nothing... I feel for you Buffalo guys.. even if you do like such a crappy team *hehe sorry* Go Flames GO! enjoy the Bio's guys.=D Ummm.. E-mail me with yuor comments! Messgae board is inoperative now... new one soon! -Drizzt
 -NEWS- May25th
Ive got two new ones for ya, runswithknives and Lord Red Alert! they've got some kickn' tunes and a cool write up each... Still waiting on MrGrimm, and Locke Both of SAS to get some materials to make some more Bio's, but fear not, as soon as tommarow ill have an new one! Vero of OsP! (my guildmate) will be hitin the page.. Newcomers.. Check out my most popular page.. SIF of EQ err! Osp hehe. Also maybe wanna gimmie some FEEDBACK on ur fav's guys? and Also please Vote for your FAVORITE bio, by E-mailing me from the adress below! Hmm anything else? Sign the guestBook! comments people! -Drizzt ------OldNews-------
 -NEWS- Feb1st
Denver a SB champs...Go Vikes =( hehe Ok but Really Now! two NEW Bio's are Compelte Bio's on Balthasar and Nynaeve are done, and I feal they are some of my best work, and Have TOP FLIGHT MUSIC check them out! and tell me what you think, Via my message board! ALSO! RainFall has started a Ultima Page and has some Bio's of people, on this page. For a second opinion Go there! Its IN MY LINKS SECTION!+ Coming soon, you know her and love her, former OaG: SIF OF COP PAGE!!!
 -NEWS- April28th
To everyone... Im really sorry about the MASSIVE Lack of Updating, THIS SITE IS NOT DEAD. I will get some time soon.. till then try to enjoy the older bio's. Thanks a bundle to Dynmega for posting a link to here on the Vault. From now on ill post all updates there, as in new bio's, for message stuff like this maybe just check back. Coming soon are, Ofcourse: New Bio's!, some stories, Movies and some Real Audio stuff too, Please just be...Pacient Note: My apologies to Mr Grimm for the error on the spelling of his name, and would ask him for co-operation on creating a new, better Bio. -Drizzt
 -NEWS- JAN27thth
Ok people, 3 new ones! that makes 6 in two days! wow right? just kiddin anyways the newbies include MrGrimm,Paloudaq, and Goatface! check em out!
 -NEWS- JAN26thth
King David's Bio is complete! wow... hehe it's in the sonoma section ready for viewing. As well as a Bio on Dun of Ruharc! Sorry for the delay but I just placed a new two story house People Its rought...but keep searching and you will find a place as I did! I am truely overjoyed to have such a nice large home. For my small forge was getting rather full with I and my buddy BC living in it =) + Look out for Fear's upcoming RA interview with Designer Dragon!
 -NEWS- JAN16thth
Update on the Blood Crypt Page also, im going to update many bio's and make many new ones are ya happy now!? I also Plan to clean up the Typo's the many... MANY... typo's hehe Look for a King David Bio soon as well as others Thanks -Drizz
 -NEWS- Nov6th
Ok All NOW YOU CAN DOWNLOAD the life and times of Drizzt Do'Urden. Animation. 2megs but well worth it Please tell me what you think The Life And Times of Drizzt Do'Urden