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46 BSW4
Princess Padme Naberrie Amidala, future wife of Anakin Skywalker (and mother of Luke and Leia) is born on Naboo.
Based on a casting call sheet for Episode One.

Blaine Harris (future Defense Minister of Bakura) is born.
"SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook."

The Ssi-Ruuvi Ivpikkis joins the Ssi-Ruuvi military, eventually becoming an Admiral.
"SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook."

45 BSW4
The Outbound Flight Project, a space voyage outside the galaxy, is launched. One of the six Jedi Masters aboard is Jorus C'Baoth. The vessel is intercepted just outside Republic territory and destroyed by Republic vessels led by then-Commander Thrawn under the secret orders of Senator Palpatine. Palpatine apparently has genetic material of C'Baoth that is later cloned. Well now, ain't THIS funny. It was dated here to begin with, then I moved it to 23 BSW4 to fit with the Prequels's time setting, and NOW Zahn moves it back here in "Vision of the Future" with one cool explanation. Well done, Mr. Zahn!

(Future Captain) Brandei is born on Mantooine.
"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," mentioned by Michael Potts.

The Clone Wars begin.
Conjecture from "Dark Force Rising" and "Vision of the Future." Remember, they said Clone WARS, not Clone War. This earlier conflict apparently was the start of a series of conflicts, heading up to and including the time of the Prequels.

44 BSW4
Irenez (future aide to Garm Bel Iblis) is born on Corellia. "SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," mentioned by Michael Potts.

(future thief and spy) Tord Gamb is born on Port Evokk.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Ackbar, future Rebel (and New Republic) Admiral, is born on Calamari.
Conjecture from "SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook." MP.

Afyon (future New Republic captain) is born on Alderaan.
"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," mentioned by Michael Potts.

43 BSW4
(future smuggler and slaver) Gaor Tembon is born on Sullust.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

42 BSW4
(future criminal) Qell Tepine is born on Coruscant.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

41 BSW4
Anakin Skywalker is born and raised by his mother, Shmi Skywalker, perhaps on Tatooine.
Date to be used in the upcoming Star Wars movies.

(future criminal and) Imperial Captain Iolan Gendarr is born on Commenor.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Gilad Pellaeon joins the Republic Navy.
"SW: Heir to the Empire."

40 BSW4
Anakin and Shmi are sold into slavery under Watto on Tatooine.
Conjecture from known information about Episode One.

(future gambler and murderer) Estero is born on Adner.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

39 BSW4
(future criminal and) Imperial Captain Dor Reder is born on Pirralor.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future smuggler and racketeer) Corf Sarb, an Enu, is born on Deylerax.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Serdif Tount, future Imperial Governor of Rintonne system (and traitor), is born on Coruscant.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

38 BSW4
Chirpa becomes chief of the Ewok tribe on Endor.
"SW RPG Special Edition Sourcebook," provided by Michael Potts.

Ohwun De Maal, future co-owner of Docking Bay 94 in Mos Eisely, is born on Duro.
"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisely."

37 BSW4
The Z-95 Headhunter, the immediate predecessor to the X-Wing, is designed and built by Seti Ashgad.
"SW: Planet of Twilight."

Future Governor of Tatooine Tour Aryon is born on Treylon II.
"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisely," via MP.

(future counterfeiter) Pendor Gyrr, a Givin, is born on Yag'Dhul.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future thief) Tardon Golor, a Twi'lek, is born on Ryloth.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Danaan Kerr, a rumoured Dark Jedi is born, place unknown.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Kolor Delan (son of General Delan, leader of the Pendarran Warriors) is born on Pendarr III.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Zothip (future captain of the Cavrilhu pirates) is born on Bestine.
"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," mentioned by Michael Potts.

(future) Admiral Hiram Drayson is born on Chandrila.
"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," with thanks to Michael Potts.

36 BSW4
Crix Madine (future Rebel General) is born on Corellia.
Conjecture from "SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook." MP.

(future bounty hunter and murderer) Tantor is born on Esooma.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

35 BSW4
Callista is trained by Jedi Master Djinn Altis on the Chu'unthor, a Jedi training platform hidden in the clouds of Bespin. "SW: Darksaber." SW Adventure Journal #15 confirmed my suspicions that Callista's Chu'unthor was the second vessel to carry the name rather than the ship from "The Courtship of Princess Leia." (And KJA -- the man who made the continuity blunder in the first place -- is the guy making the Chronology? Uh oh...)

As the result of a battle of the Clone Wars, the planet Honoghr is devastated by chemical poisoning.
From "SW: Dark Force Rising." Date forced back to original setting by "Vision of the Future."

(future bounty hunter and murderer) Andov Syn is born on Kerest.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Cachi De Maal, future co-owner of Docking Bay 94 in Mos Eisely, is born at Jivv Space City on Duro.
"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisely."

Thrackan Sal-Solo is born on Corellia to Tiion Solo.
"SW: The Paradise Snare."

The Galactic Corporate Policy League is formed, a cabal of greedy industrialists who profit off of the increasing corruption of the aging Republic. Senator Palpatine quietly allies himself with the League and begins building an underground power base.
"SW RPG Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook."

34 BSW4
Talon Karrde (future smuggler chief) is born, birthplace unknown.
Conjecture from "SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook." MP.

(future thief, rackeeter, and smuggler) Jor Idrall is born on Ryloth.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

The Kogus liner "Star Morning" is built. It will later be used in the Fallanassi evacuation from Lucazec.
"The SW Encyclopedia."

32 BSW4
Kant Aryon (future husband of Tour) is born on Bethars.
"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisely."

(future bounty hunter, thief, and murderer) Yarr Gatonne is born on Bonadan.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Qan Gindoch, a (future) spice smuggler, is born on Tralfin.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future smuggler and traitor) Bom Vimdin, an Advoze, is born on Riflor.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

"Unnamed SW Prequel Miniseries."
To be detailed...
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Jan Strnad - December 1998-May 1999)

Obi-Wan Kenobi, now almost a full Jedi Knight, meets and trains young pilot Anakin Skywalker to become a Jedi Knight with the aid of Master Qui-Gon Jinn, who frees Anakin from slavery on Tatooine. (Sadly, Anakin's mother Shmi is killed in the rescue.) Jinn, Kenobi and Skywalker are called into helping save Princess Padme Amidala's planet, Naboo, which is under attack from the Nimoudian Trade Federation, using war droids and aided by the Sith. The Nimoudians (including the Sith Lord Darth Maul) are defeated by the Jedi, with the help of Jar-Jar Binks and the Gungan race, and Padme is crowned Queen. Meanwhile, the Old Republic is in a state of corruption and decline. Using dishonest means, Senator Palpatine of Naboo is elected President of the Republic, replacing Espaa Valorum, and begins covertly destroying the Jedi Knights and consolidating his power. Note: All the titles given for the First Trilogy are (at the moment) working titles only.
(MOTION PICTURE - 20th Century Fox/ Lucasfilm --George Lucas -- 21 May 1999)
(NOVELIZATION - Ballantine/Del Rey Books - Terry Brooks - May 1999)
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - May-October 1999)

About ten years prior to the Clone Wars, a fleet of forty Dreadnaughts, slave-circuited together, is launched, called the Katana fleet after its commanding vessel. (It was also known as the 'Dark Force.') Due to a hive virus that infiltrates the crew, the Katana fleet jumps into hyperspace and vanishes for the next half-century. From "SW: Dark Force Rising." Originally dated -35 BSW4, but moved here due to rumors that the Fleet will be seen in Episode One.

(future pirate and thief) Laerron Woern is born on Elom.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future spy) Mol Hedron is born on Swarquen.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Perhaps due to the effectiveness of their attack on Naboo, President Palpatine orders all battle droids and assassin droids outlawed.
"The SW Encyclopedia."

Niles Ferrier (future starship thief) is born (on Corellia?)
Conjecture from "SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook." MP.

COMPNOR, the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, is formed. Initially little more than a social group, President Palpatine aids it covertly, building it into a major political movement to help in the transition of the Republic into a Empire.
"SW RPG Imperial Sourcebook."

Akanah Norand Pell of the Fallanassi is born.
"SW: Before The Storm."

31 BSW4
Lando Calrissian is born (on Corellia?).
Conjecture from "SW: The Hutt Gambit."

Aves (future smuggler and associate of Talon Karrde) is born on Corellia.
Conjecture from "SW RPG Heir to the Empire Sourcebook." MP.

Fynn Torve (future smuggler and associate of Talon Karrde) is born on Corellia.
Conjecture from "SW RPG Heir to the Empire Sourcebook." MP.

Borsk Fey'yla (future New Republic Senator) is born on Kothlis.
Conjecture from "SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook." MP.

The Victory-class Star Destroyer is designed by Walex Blissex.
"SW RPG Sourcebook." It would have to have been before Thrawn was found.

30 BSW4
The Old Republic funds an archaeological expedition to Dagobah. The expedition is lost, and the records themselves are lost for decades.
"The Illustrated SW Universe."

Syal Antilles (sister of Wedge) is born to Jagged and Zena Antilles on Corellia.
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Masquerade."

29 BSW4
Han Solo, grandson of the 'false' King of Corellia Dalla Solo, is born on the planet Corellia. He has three known relatives; his father Jonash Solo, aunt Tiion Sal-Solo, and her son Thracken Sal-Solo. Due to as-yet unknown circumstances, the young Solo is orphaned, and spends his early years as a street urchin.
From the Guide. Dalla and Jonash Solo is from "SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia", Thrackan from "SW: Assault at Selonia," and Tiion from "SW: The Paradise Snare."

Par'tah (future smuggler) is born on Moltok.
"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," mentioned by Michael Potts.

(future murderer) Greldo Farnor, a Khil, is born on Belnar.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future assassin) Morteos is born on Nar Bo Sholla.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(Future Captain) Covell is born on Corulag.
"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," mentioned by Michael Potts.

(Future Major) Bren Derlin is born.
This information comes from Kari Tikka, who offers up Imdb entries as backup -- based I suppose on John Ratzenberger's age at the time TESB was made. I have nothing to contradict it, so...thanks, Kari.

Soontir Fel is born on Corellia.
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel."

28 BSW4
Beyla Rus, AKA "Gentleman Pirate" is born on Tibro.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future pirate and thief) Jerresk, a Quarren, is born on Calamari.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future murderer and assassin) Londrah, a Defel, is born on Af'El.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

27 BSW4
Seti Ashgad the First, a political opponent of Senator Palpatine, is kidnapped and stranded on the prison world Nam Chorios by Palpatine's agents. He overthrows the planet's Jedi leader, Beldorion the Hutt. "SW: Planet of Twilight."

(future spy and traitor) Lar Maendin is born on Vastrip IV.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future spy) Ten Dorne is born on Sluis Van.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future bounty hunter and murderer) Moxin Tark is born on Bandonia.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future traitor and murderer) Rodin Baem is born on Hoylin.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Bria Tharen is born to Renn and Sera Tharen on Corellia.
Conjecture from "SW: The Paradise Snare."

(future) Captain Sarin Virgilio is born on Masterra.
"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," thanks to Michael Potts.

26 BSW4
Yeorg Captison becomes a Bakuran Senator.
"SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook."

3-year-old orphan Han Solo is picked up and recruited into Garris Shrike's pirate 'clan.' By -24 BSW4, he is actively pickpocketing for Shrike.
"SW: The Paradise Snare."

(future traitor and spy) Haanen Felean is born on Klatooine.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Near the end of the Clone Wars, a series of Dark Jedi attack the area of space that includes the Bpfassh system and the planet Dagobah. The last of these Dark Jedi steals smuggler Jorj Car'das's ship and flees to Dagobah. He attacks and is killed by Yoda, who nurses Car'das back to life and decides to live near the cave where he was killed, as his dark aura cloaked Yoda's own.
"SW: Heir to the Empire" and "SW: Vision of the Future." This reportedly happened "30-35 years ago," but was before the end of the Clone Wars.

Daala is born.
"SW: Planet of Twilight."

25 BSW4
"The Marvel Series: Silent Drifting. (#24)"
General Obi-Wan Kenobi is a passenger on a pleasure cruiser to Alderaan. Droid 68-RKO, on his way to serve Prince Bail Organa, befriends Kenobi. A criminal named Augustus Tryll tries unsuccessfully to hire Kenobi on a venture. As the liner nears the Merson asteroid belt, Captain Quasar asks for Kenobi's help to defend the cruiser against Merson slaver pirates. As he defends the ship against attack, he learns that a signal from the cruiser is guiding the pirates to them. He has to defend Tryll from the angry passengers who think he sold them out. He finds and destroys the signal -- a fermenter machine. The ship goes on to Alderaan in peace.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - June 1979)

Bracsk (future smuggler) is born on Baros.
"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," mentioned by Michael Potts.

(future spy, thief, and traitor) Lesle Andreya is born on Neree.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

(future pirate and thief) Safonne Pendon is born on Rodia.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Tav Breil'ya, future aide to Senator Borsk Fey'yla, is born on Kothlis.
"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," thanks to Michael Potts.

Dash Rendar, future smuggler and Rebel hero, is born on Corellia(?)
Speculation from "SW RPG Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook."

24 BSW4
(future bounty hunter, thief, kidnapper and murderer) Tyrn Jiton is born on Fenves.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

Lady Valarian, future owner of the Lucky Despot Hotel on Tatooine, is born on Toola.
"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisely."

23 BSW4
Lieutenant Page (future New Republic commando) is born on Corulag.
"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook," mentioned by Michael Potts.

The Virgillian Civil War begins.
"SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook."

(future murderer, thief, and saboteur) Jarth Findo is born in the Corellian system.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

The former Jaster Mereel (an exiled Journeyman Protector from Concord Dawn/disgruntled Imperial stormtrooper) goes AWOL, either joins the Mandalorians or finds Mandalorian battle armor, and becomes the bounty hunter Boba Fett.
From "SW: Dark Empire I and II," as well as "SW: Tales from Jabba's Palace" and "SW: Tales of the Bounty Hunters." Note: this was originally dated c.-15 BSW4, but has been moved backwards due to word that Fett will be in Episode II. There are rumors that a prequel character, apparently killed in Episode II, will be revealed to be Fett. Again, these rumors are unproven as yet.

22 BSW4
The Clone Wars continue, as cloning technology developed to save the dying Naboo race is stolen and used by Mandalorian warriors, under the secret orders of the Sith and President Palpatine. The Jedi Knights use all of their resources to defeat the Mandalorians, several of whom (including Boba Fett?) escape justice. The Jedi are left badly weakened and depleted. Palpatine, who has managed to eliminate almost all of his political enemies, begins to corrupt Anakin Skywalker, who marries Queen Padme. Mon Mothma becomes the last Senior Senator, and with Bail Organa attempts to stabilize the Republic. Conjecture from evidence from all Star Wars stories. It had originally been dated 45 BSW4 in the earlier version of this timeline, based upon the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn. But this new date is the date to be used in the upcoming SW I, II, and III (George Lucas, Harry Knowles' "Ain't-it-cool-news", April 24, 1997). It has been speculated by some that the Outbound Flight's failure was the catalyst for the war, but this cannot be cleared up until Episode II is released.
(MOTION PICTURE - 20th Century Fox/Lucasfilm - George Lucas - May 2002)
(NOVELIZATION - Ballantine/Del Rey Books - May 2002)
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - May-October 2002)

Zu and Zan Pike (later Pikkel), a future team of sister bounty hunters, are born on Epicanthix.
"Shadows of the Empire."

21 BSW4
Isolder, future King of Hapes and father of Tenel Ka, is born on Hapes.
"SW: The Courship of Princess Leia" and "SW RPG Cracken's Threat Dossier."

Tycho Celchu is born on Alderaan.
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron Handbook."

Jedi Master Nejaa Halcyon is killed in the Clone Wars. His wife remarries, (and his son is adopted by) Corellian Security officer Rostek Horn. The son becomes known as Hal Horn, and all references to his Jedi past are erased.
"X-Wing: The Krytos Trap."

(future suspected spy) Trell'yar is born on Kothlis.
"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."

The Outer Rim planet Bakura is colonized.
"SW: The Truce at Bakura." The planet was settled "during the final years of the Clone Wars."

Winter, childhood friend and later Rebel agent and aide to Princess Leia, is born on Alderaan.
"SW: Rebel Dawn." Winter says she's one year and a few months older than Leia.

Hell's Hammers, an elite squad created from the armor units of the Old Republic, is used by President Palpatine to crush his political opposition.
"SW RPG Imperial Sourcebook."

20 (to 18?) BSW4
Fighting alongside future Viceroy of Alderaan Bail Prestor Organa, General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are instrumental in the successful victory for the Old Republic in the Clone Wars. Citing the increasingly unstable situation of the Republic, Palpatine declares himself Emperor. The Republic is renamed the Galactic Empire, the Senate is scaled down in power, and Palpatine begins a massive build-up of the military. He also steps up the extermination of the Jedi Knights, perhaps with the aid of Mandalorian warriors (including Boba Fett?), certainly with the aid of the Sith. He orders that all Jedi be exterminated for a Clone Wars-related atrocity they did not commit (he did). He also orders that all mention of the Jedi in galactic records be erased, as well as Jedi relics. He officially renames Coruscant "Imperial Center." Now entirely corrupted, Anakin Skywalker renounces his name and renames himself Darth Vader, becoming Palpatine's right hand man and put in charge of killing the Jedi. Obi-Wan Kenobi battles him to attempt to win him back (on Horuz?), only succeeding in hideously injuring Vader by throwing him into either a lava pit or vat of molten liquid. Encased in body armor and an artificial respiration system, Vader redoubles his evil efforts. Unbeknownest to him, his twin children, Luke and Leia, are born. Kenobi and Padme act to hide the children from Vader and Palpatine. Leia is taken by Padme to Alderaan, where she is adopted by Viceroy Bail Organa and raised as his daughter. Luke is taken by Kenobi to Tatooine (with a brief stop-over at Dagobah), where Luke is raised by Kenobi's brother Owen Lars. Kenobi himself goes into hiding in the Jundland Wastes of Tatooine. Evidence from all Star Wars stories. The Dagobah stopover is based on Luke's line in SW V that Dagobah seemed somehow familiar to him. Bail's middle name of Prestor is from the SW Radio Drama Script.
(MOTION PICTURE - 20th Century Fox/Lucasfilm - George Lucas - May 2005)
(NOVELIZATION - Ballantine/Del Rey Books - May 2005)
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - May 2005)

Emperor Palpatine shuts down large portions of the Holonet and nationalizes the rest to prevent news of his more evil activities from spreading throughout the Galaxy. He officially renames Coruscant "Imperial Center."
"The SW Encyclopedia."

Wedge Antilles is born on Gus Treta spaceport in the Corellian system to Jagged and Xena Antilles.
"X-Wing: Wraith Squadron."

(Future Imperial Lieutenant) Creb is born on Bettok. He would go on to create the "Black Wing" TIE Fighter Squadron.
"SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook."

War breaks out between sistering worlds Kuan and Bortal. Maarek Stele is born on Kuan.
"The SW Encyclopedia."

Sickened of war, the government of Alderaan places all of the planet's weaponry aboard a huge unmanned military transport labeled "Another Chance." The ship is sent into a perpetual state of hyperspace until such time as the Council of Elders summons it back. Alderaan becomes a pacifist world, where peace and learning become the pastimes.
"SW RPG Sourcebook."

An alien named Mitth'raw'nuruodo (exiled by his own people) runs a group of Republic soldiers from the Victory class Star Destroyer Strikefast (who were chasing smugglers) in circles on a backwater planet just inside the Unknown Regions, killing troops, blowing up a TIE Fighter, and using both the enviroment and stolen technology to make a mockery of the troops. Impressed, Captain Voss Parck invites Thrawn to join the Republic fleet. Emperor Palpatine (who had twice tried to bring Thrawn over to the Empire before) stifles his xenophobia to allow this talented man in and provide private Academy schooling.
"SW: Tales of the Empire" and "SW: Specter of the Past."

A colony is established on Belsavis in the Senex Sector.
"SW: Children of the Jedi."

Sate Pestage is made Grand Vizier of the Empire by Emperor Palpatine. He is put in charge of the Imperial Personal Archives, the preparation and testing of the Emperor's meals, holder of the Imperial Seal, and scheduling of official functions.
"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook."

Unbeknownst to anyone, Emperor Palpatine authorizes the construction of the "Eye of Palpatine," an asteroid-shaped ship that is the largest of it's time, and completely automated. The ship is built to help exterminate the Jedi. The Jedi Knights Callista Ming and Geith board the asteroid and disable it, giving their lives in the process. Callista's spirit takes over the ship to keep it from launching. An angry Palpatine sentences the Eye of Palpatine's designers to the sand mines of Neelgalmon.
"SW: Children of the Jedi." Callista's last name is given in the SW Adventure Journal.

19 BSW4
A group of protestors on the planet Ghorman are crushed to death when an Imperial ship commanded by Captain Willhuf Tarkin lands on them at a spaceport. This incident, "The Ghorman Massacre," serves as the beginning of rebellion in the Empire. When Willhuf Tarkin is promoted after the massacre, several Senators begin covertly aiding rebel uprisings.
The SW Role-Playing Game.

Caamas, a peaceful and noble world loved throughout the Empire, is completely ravaged by unknown attackers. Even Caamas's enemies condemn the savage act that all but wipes out the Caamasi race. Unknown to everyone, the attackers were Imperials under orders from Emperor Palpatine. The Bothan race sabotaged Caamas's planetary shields to allow the butchery to take place -- a fact the Bothans spare no effort to hide in later years.
"SW: Specter of the Past."

Greedo is born on Rodia.
"SW: Tales from the Mos Eisely Cantina."

Darth Vader arrives at the struggling plant of Honoghr. He offers to aid the Noghri people. In return for Imperial detoxification of the land, the Noghri must serve him and the Empire as commandos. The Noghri gratefully accept. Unbeknowest to them, the Empire uses chemically treated kholm-grass to leave Honoghr contaminated, leaving the Noghri permanent slaves of Vader.
"SW: Dark Force Rising."

Taj Junak, a Jedi Knight, surrenders to the Empire so that they will not attack Mrlsst Academy to get to him. The Empire responds to his nonviolent surrender by incinerating him in front of the school. For years afterward, rumors persist that Junak's ghost haunts the Academy.
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair."

Darth Vader slaughters the colonists of Talasea for harboring a single fugitive Jedi.
"SW: X-Wing Rogue Squadron."

The Emperor funds an experiment by Bobrorygmus Gog and Mammon Hoole into the nature of life. The experiment goes horribly wrong, and Hoole and Gog barely escape before the experiment kills everyone on the planet Kiva. Unbeknownest to Hoole, Gog knew all along about the impending genocide.
"Galaxy of Fear: Army of Terror."
