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Welcome to Stacey's Corner!

I'm still working on my page, so please "bear" with me! :)

Thanks for stopping by my little corner in cyberspace. I hope you enjoy your visit. Don't forget to sign the guestbook on the way out!

First of all, a TINY about me:
My name is Stacey (obviously). I'm 24 years old and live in Miami.

This page is pretty much dedicated to all my eclectic interests.

Check out a few pictures of me, my family and my dog.

Find out more about me, including the places I've lived, the schools I've been to and my sign, baby. ;)

Check out my Stern page.

Check out my Pooh page.

Link Time! Check out my links. I like lots of varied stuff, so you'll find a healthy mix of stuff here.

My list of other Cool Stuff

Got some extra money? Visit my online store

Jinkies! Zoiks! Find out the The Truth About Scooby Doo

Want to get in touch with me?

Email me at

Or catch me when I come out to play (chat, that is) at
My nickname is piedrafina.

Or catch me with AOL instant messenger.
My nickname piedrafina there too.
Download Instant Messenger.

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This page was last June 10, 1998

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Again, thanks for stopping by! TTFN! Hasta la proxima!