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This {{{{HUG}}}} is For You !!!!

You were sent this hug by someone who cares about you.  Someone who knows how nice it is to receive a symbol of love and friendship, and wanted to share that symbol with you.  Someone who wants you to feel warm inside.  Take this hug, hold it in your heart, and then pass it on to someone about whom you care.  Because hugs are best when they are shared.  So, pass this along, and let others know the wonderful feeling you felt when you first received it.

Use these links to find some more special hugs to share.

Hugs for everyone ~*~HUGS TO MY FRIENDS~*~ Virtual Hug (Bear)
Hugs for you VIRTUAL HUGS FOR ICQ FRIENDS (Virtual Hug) Lori and Shane's Love
hug TCAL ~ Childrens' HUGS Page Special Friend
snset2 A hug is worth a thousand words Pooh Hug
A Hug For You! Everyone needs a hug...who do you want to hug? HUGS...
hugkiss It's "THAT" time again Send a Hug
Send Someone a Hug today Hugs to You! Virtual Hug (Doggies)
Hugs 4 You Cyber Snuggle **Big Hug**

And now a {{{{HUG}}}} from the creator of this web page :

The CyberHug Webring

This The CyberHug Webring site owned by Scott.

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