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I.V. Hydration

Dehydration increases the severity of nausea and vomiting and should be avoided at all cost. When one is unable to take in fluids orally i.v. therapy becomes necessary. In this treatment the patient is given fluids intravenously to replace fluids lost through repeated vomiting. Many times these fluids contain electrolytes (i.e., sodium, potassium, chloride) and/or sugars and may be all that is needed to stop a particular term in the cycle of vomiting. I.V.s can be given on an inpatient basis over a period of days (my personal favorite) or an outpatient basis over a period of 2-3 hours. I don't recommend the latter, as it is my philosophy that if you are sick enough to need an i.v. then you are sick enough to be put into the hospital under observation. Imho, hmos sometimes make this very difficult; they want the doctor to prove that outpatient i.v. treatment is not working before they are willing to shell out the $900+/day for inpatient treatment. Many times they threaten to drop a doctor who orders "unnecessary" care without first trying to find the cheapest (not always the best) means of treatment. This threat frightens the doctor, as the doctor will lose many patients (and much money) if s/he is dropped from the hmo. What this essentially means is that insurance agencies, who are trained in the business of insurance - NOT MEDICINE - can dictate what grade of care a patient can receive if a doctor is unwilling to disregard insurance standards in favor of his/her patient receiving the best care available.
Your life, or the life of someone you love, may depend on it. If your doctor is unwilling to place you inpatient, then by all means, FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR. At the very least, suggest in-home i.v. hydration. This brings the cost down, as you are not taking up a room and a bed in the hospital. Being at home may also be preferable to staying in the hospital.

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