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Vitamin Therapy

The first type of treatment I mentioned consists of taking vitamins. Some physicians feel that the symptoms of h.g. can be alleviated by taking a certain daily amount of pyridoxine (vitamin B6). I tried this, but it didn't help at all. Another vitamin therapy is meant to be preventative. There is research which shows that taking multivitamins preconception, while reducing the risk of neural tube defects in a succeeding pregnancy (if the vitamins contain folic acid), also reduces the risk of getting h.g. Prior to my second pregnancy, I took prenatals for 6 months and did not have hyperemesis. The hyperolfaction and vomiting started at 6 weeks, but I never vomited more than 3 times a day. I was unable to eat solids or drink anything except Ensure and grape Kool Aide for weeks 7-9, and then the tenth week I found myself able to eat bagels. I stopped vomiting and felt somewhat human which made me worry. I was hoping that I was just feeling better because of the vitamin therapy. As it turned out, our baby had died just about the time I started feeling better. (This is not to imply that one should worry when symptoms abate, but to give meaning to the length and debilitation of h.g.) Because of the loss of our second child, I can't speculate on the effecacy of vitamin therapy. However, I continued taking vitamins and in my third pregnancy I don't have h.g. We will have to wait and see how this pregnancy turns out before I can draw any personal conclusions.

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