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ShOcKWeB ®
Site last updated March 09 2000 @10:28am

The Forum:

DSS Stuff
Message Board
Discussion Board
Add your URL
Take my poll


Fantasy Leagues
Gamepro OnLine


Howard Stern Live
Live Aud/Video
Music Blvd
Free Stuff

Wrestling Fans:


Hall Of Fame
WCW Nitro Live
Theme Music

Barely E-legal:

Free Cable
21 or older

Paradise Web

MIDI's & RAM's

Ra p< /a>
Hip Hop

Barnes & Noble

Daily Wordz

"Join my linkswap program, If you want to know more about it Click Here.It's free and guaranteed to bring your page more hits a day!


HardCore Fanz

Plug of the Week 2/2-2/9

TuNeZ !

Garbage "#1 Crush"
NIN "Quake"
Prodigy "FireStarter"

Music rotated weekly

SiTe SuMmArY:

The Forum

Chatzone: The New and Improved Chat site furnished by TalkCity is up and running. Be sure to check it out, you never know who might be in there.

Message Board:Go here once you've visited my site and Leave a message telling me how lousy of a job I did creating this site. Or you can just say Hi, or @#%$ Off, or !@#@ You...Whatever makes you feel better! :-)

Discussion:This is where all web visitors should go to read or post particular questions related to building a homepage or any other question that needs answering for that matter.

The more people that post here the better.

Add URL: Add your URL/Homepage Here!


UWF E-Fed: The Best wrestling role play game on the web. I must inform you that this is not a interactive one against the computer, its wits against wits. Its a roleplay/character game.No joystick required, and no sissies allowed! To be the man you have to beat the man. Click here to join

Fantasy Leagues: This site has everything you need to get going into the world of The Fantasy Roleplayers realm, Everything from Football,Baseball,Soccer,Basketball,Hockey,Golf and more.

GamePro OnLine: The official site of GamePro magazine. learn tips on all of the new games, check out unreleased full motion clips of upcoming games and much more.


Howard Stern Show Live: Listen to the Howard Stern Show from any computer or WebTV system for free right here. What would ShockWeb be with out the Shock Jock himself!!

Aud/Video: Did you move away from your old radio station or TV network? Well go here for Live Audio/Video internet listening and viewing for free. You can request any Radio or T.V station to me and I will place it on my site for You for FREE!

Music Blvd: Music is the leader of Online ordering for Cd's and Tapes to be sent straight to your door. Plus you can sample any song imaginable before you buy it.

Free links: If your building a website than you must visit this area, buy a book from Barnes & Noble (HTML for Dummies is my fave) or how about buying Windows98 15% cheaper than the stores, plus you can get it FEDexed next day service. Or just visit the free links at the bottom to help add to your site. There is even a link to get you your own webpage for free!

Wrestling Fans

Wrestlinks: Check out some of "my" personal favorite Wrestling links on the net.

Trivia: Go here to answer some serious wrestling trivia questions. Who knows maybe you will make it to the Hall of Fame. Also, Hall of famers get a free 1 month "Directo" link from my homepage (or) thier name plastered on my homepage for 1 month.

Hall Of Fame: This is the dwelling of all the wresle freeks names and or websites that have obviously watched too much wrestling (like myself) and knew the answers to every question I threw at them for a consecutive week in 5 question increments.

Order VHS PPV: I have a very extensive collection of past Pay Per Views from the previous 10 years of wrestling. Link to this site to see the prices and or list of WCW,ECW,NWA,WWF past Pay Per Views. Also, If there is a scheduled PPV to be aired on the 1st of the month, I will have it available for ordering the 2nd. at half or less the price.

WCW Nitro"live": At work! No TV, Well Monday night (Only) for a FREE Nitro simulcast.

WCW PPL's: Pay Per Views to expensive? Register and listen to them on your computer for a third of the price.WCW brings the best audio broadcasting directly to your PC. You can access the site here

Theme Music: This area will contain all of my MIDI's and WAV's of wrestling related themes. It will grow as fast as I can find them.

Barely E-Legal

Free Cable:Do not, steal cable it is a felony punishable by jail and fines, but if you laugh in the face of the law then here. click here to visit CableBiz Online.

21 or older:This is a direct link to the "VoyeurWeb" main page. You must be at least 18 years of age to view this site. If you are not, this site has capabilities to track you and your server, and we will investigate your entry and if you are a minor, We will personally Call your Mom/Dad.

FoulPlay: Must Be 21 years of age to visit this site. Contains adult material.

And now for your regularly scheduled "subliminal message"

Visit the sponsors.
Barnes and Noble Bookstore

Vistors since June 30,1998

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