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Associations & Memberships

The Shindo Ryu Karate Do Kobudo Kyokai

The Shindo Ryu Karate Do Kobudo Kyokai is dedicated to the promtions, practice and teaching of traditional Okinawan and Japanese karate. While primarily a Shindo Ryu Association, we do accept members from other systems. If you are interested in joining please write to me and supply me with the following information:
1)Martials Arts experience & Ranks (with dates)
2)Name, Address, Phone #.
3)If an instructor, how many students do you have?

The Traditional Karate Association

The Traditional Karate Association is directed by Kaicho Ricky Adams 6th Dan. The association was founded in the early 80's to preserve traditional karate because so many of the older and larger "Traditional" associations were actually changing their kata on a regular basis. The following division are available for membership in the TKA:
1) Karate
2)Kobudo (weapons)

Memberships are very afforable and the association extremely member friendly. Gashuku training weekends are held twice a year in the Winter and Summer. If you are a traditional karate practitioner that is looking for a quality association to be a part of...this is the one. With member dojo all over the U.S. the TKA is growing rapidly. If you would like more information on how to join please feel free to contact me via E-Mail and I will get you the information or follow our link to the TKA Home page.

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About Renshi A. Blackburn
A. Blackburn Traditional Karate Dojo
Sensei's Thoughts (Movie & Book review and more)
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Goshin Budo Jiujitsu
Traditional Karate Association Homepage
