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Magical Garden of Love

This is the "Magical Garden of Love."
It has been bequeathed upon you
by someone who thinks you are cool!!
This person might be
your boyfriend, girlfriend,
pal, homie, neighbor, online buddy
or someone else you may not even know yet!
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This person just generally thinks
you're a pretty good excuse to be alive!
This is merely a token of affection
for you to wonder at and appreciate!

Basically, the Magical Garden of Love
is a way to say,
"Hey, you're pretty darn cool,
and I want you to know
that I think you are a really rockin' individual !!
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The sender of the Magical Garden of Love
asks one thing of you now...

And that is ...
for you to bequeath this Garden of Love
on to someone else.
The Magical Garden of Love
grows in power as it is shared.
Someday you may receive this Magical Garden again.
Just keep sending it on!!

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