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Final Fantasy Walkthrough. *The World of Ruin*

Back to World of Balance Part 2. The World of Ruin

It is now a year later, and the world has turned into a catastrophe zone. The game now takes place in a small house on a small island. Inside the house is Cid. (The magitek instructor from Vector). Somehow, he managed to survive the doomsday. Someone is in the bed, but we don't see who it is. Finally, CELES gets out of bed. Cid is overjoyed, and tells her everything that has happend. She sees that Cid is not feeling well, so she goes out to fish for him.

For fishing, there are two way to do this. You can either give Cid yummy fish (faster fish) which will make his health go up, or you could feed him slower fish, and his health would decrease, and would eventually die. If he lives, Cid will give Celes a raft, so she could get off the island and find her friends. If he dies, she goes on top of the mountain for an attempted suicide. She jumps off, but sirvives. A dove brings Celes back to shore (who has a bandana around its neck worn by Locke). She knows this is a sign that her friends are alive. She goes inside, and sees a note from Cid. It tells her to go into the basement. Inside is the raft, so either way, you get off the island.

Once you get off the raft, go a little west to a town. It's Albrook. There's not much of it left, but you can still go shopping. You learn of someone who came by earlier and went to Tzen. Tzen (north of the tower) is your next destination.

When you reach Tzen, there'll be a flash of light. Everyone goes up to one of the houses. You'll see SABIN on the ledge of the house about to slip. He can't let go cause the house'll collapse and there's a child inside. You must go inside and save the child. Equip the Ramuh esper, and a Jewel ring. If you must fight, use ramuh. Open the treature chests. Some of the treasure will be very valuable later on. You find the child, and you must exit ASAP. You only get 6 minutes all together. When you get out, Sabin'll let go, as the house crumbles. Sabin then joins Celes. Make sure to equip him, and check the weapon & armor shops to make sure he has his strongest defense. Head on east to Mobliz.

When you get to Mobliz, everything has been destroyed. However, you can still go to what used to be the relic shop and get a free rest! After resting, go to where the post office used to be (where the kid runs in) Go down the stairs, and through the door. Inside is a group of children. One will try to fight to fight, but someone interrupts. It's Terra!!! Celes tries to get her to join, but she runs in the other room. She says she cannot fight anymore. She tells about the day the world crumbled, the parents of the children were killed. When she arrived, she felt needed. Exit the house, and a stomping sound will start. It's Phunbaba, one of the monsters released on that day. Terra tries to fight, but she dies almost instantly. Celes & Sabin go after it. Use poison, and regular attacks on him, and he'll eventually run. back inside, terra says there's no way she can fight. You leave without her. :( But when you leave, one of the kids will give you the Fenrir esper. Exit and head north to Nikeah.

In Nikeah, go into the cafe (make you you buy new items as well) Talk to all 4 thieves. Then one of them will leave. When he does, exit and go to one of the shops. You'll see a man who looks like Edgar! But he tells you his name is Gerad. (Notice that Edgar and Gerad have the same letters in them!!!) :) He and the other tieves will board the ferry for Figaro. Hop aboard, and the ship sets sail.

The ship arrives in South Figaro. Get off, and head to the Inn where Gerad is. He will again deny he knows you and takes off. After doing what you have to do, head west to the Cave of Figaro. Head to the recovery spring, where Gerad and the thieves are. They will hop on the turtle to get to the next room. Follow them.

NOTE: The recovery spring will no longer work!

Follow the path until you get to the Figaro Castle jail. Head to the engine room, and down the stairs. Grab the chests until you get to the main engine room. Gerad will tell the thieves to go in the other room while he deals with the Tentacles inside the engine. When they leave, he turns around and tells you to help him.

I would suggest having Edgar use the Bio Blaster on his first hit to poison them all. Each one is week against a certain element. Have Celes use cure spells, andoffensive attacks, have Sabin attack, and have Edgar use the crossbow, flash, or bio blaster. Tentacles will continue grabbing you and taking your HP. Be careful with this. Once you beat them, head to the back room and get the Soul Sabre out of the statue, Head back to the engine room, where the operator will make the castle rise. Have him take you to Kohlingen. Before leaving, make sure you buy the Debilitator which will be VERY useful.

Head to Kohlingen, and enter the inn/cafe. There you will see Setzer. He will refuse to join you, but Celes convinces him too. He tells you he'll get another airship, but they need to visit Daryl's tomb. The tomb is Southwest. When you enter make sure you are equiped with either Amulets, or Ribbons. Make sure you flick various switches, and it may be a good idea to get the experience egg in the hidden room on the left. Go down the stairs, and find the hidden wall which leads you to the chest. Then go up the room, and flick the switch to rise the water. Go back to the main room, and go down the middle. Take the turtles to the next room where you'll see a save point. The left treasure box contains a monster. Equip somebody with the Soul Sabre and attack it. (Soul Sabre may cast doom and immediately kill) You'll get a Dragon Claw for Sabin. The right chest contains a Man Eater. Save the game, and go to the next room. Equip someone with Carbunkl esper, and another with Kirin. Give Sabin the Genji Glove, Black Belt, and 2 Fire Knuckles. Look at the tomb, and you'll be attacked. Use carbunkl to reflect the magic attacks and Kirin to replenish HP. Have Sabin attack with the Fire Knuckles, and have Edgar use Debilitator until he is weak against ice. Eventually you'll kill him. Then go to the room at the top. Setzer'll tell you Daryl's story and take you to "The Falcon" airship. Now you can explore the world however you want.

There are many paths you can take. I will go over them in cast member order:


Return to Mobliz. (Might want to rest before continuing). Go into the room where the wounded soldier used to be. You'll see Duane. He will tell you Kataryn is pregnant. Watch where the dogs goes. Follow the dog and you'll find Terra with Kataryn. The room will start shaking as one of the children will run in saying Phunbaba's back. Run out and battle the beast. After a while he will use "Baba Breath" and blow 2 party members back on the airship. Terra will then come out in morphed form and will join the fight. Poison attacks work best. Fight till the death. At the end Terra will realize she can fight and why she has to. She then rejoins you.


The events in getting Locke are a key point in the game since he is much needed later. Go to where the mountain forms a star north of Tzen. Land there with the airship and you will split into 2 parties. (You might want to wait until you have 8 people).


Cyan is usually the first one to go after. Go to Maranda (the pigeon will guide you after you get Falcon). Go to Lola's house and talk to her. She'll put a letter on the table. Read it. She will ask you to attach a reply do a carrier pigeon. Do this. Go outside and give it to the white bird. It will take it to Zozo. Go to Zozo.
When you enter Zozo, go to the bird and watch it fly up high. Go to the man who says "This place is dangerous" in the Balance (outside where you got the chainsaw). He'll give you a Rust-Aid for 1000GP. Get it and go back up to the rusted door and dissolve the rust. Go all the way through.
Follow the path, make sure you get the Fire, Ice and Aegis shields. Get the Gold Hairpin to reduce your MP use in half. When you get to the save point (make sure you save) you'll see a switch. Press it and the Storm Dragon will pop out of the treasure box. You can fight now, or wait till later. Either way he is very difficult. He is very fast and uses wind attacks to attack everyone at once. Have everyone haste, regan, shell, etc... and be sure to have excess cure magic. If you run out, Osmose some away from the dragon. If you have Edgar, use Debilitator to give it weaknesses and use that against it. Eventually you will win and get a Force Shield. Continue on the path. You'll enter a room full of flowers and a letter. Read the letter and go to the next room. You'll be outside and see CYAN send a carrier pigeon to Maranda. Realizing what his friends knopw, he quickly grabs the letter and all the flowers, and explains why he was sending Lola letters. He will tell you Gau has returned to the Veldt and joins you.


You must do 2 things in order to get Shadow. First, head to the Veldt, a dn go into the cave. Go through the cave getting treasures. Make sure you find the Striker weapon!
