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Applause Please...This page has taken so long in coming about... The old one is way out dated but if you want to see it help yourself Click here . This one is going to take a while to get anywhere.. Sorry but..

I finally have a LIFE!

ThE sCoUp On Me...RiSkY

The truth is not too much to tell. I am a normal everyday person just like everyone else. I work for General Motors in their Business Resource Center - Legal Department. I really love my job and have the best boss in the world but I really don't want to get into the nitty gritty of what I do there. Also I am currently enrolled in school (taking html and java classes - so there is a lot yet to come on this page) and I complain a lot. I am 24, (ok so my birthday is Sept. 17th) a virgo (which means I am a perfectionist who likes to bitch and has few friends, with that combination... Go figure!). Though hopefully I will get it together. I love to write and it seems I do it well. I have been working here and there on a novel as well as getting out some of my poetry (which I am glad to say will be posted here soon) So that is a basic overlook to my little tiny niche in this world. It's not a lot but it's mine. So now that you know I am terribly busy with out any spare time perhaps I will get a little slack on the progression of my page.. (not a chance?? That's what I thought)

Pssstt.. Hey wanna see??

Here's my picture..

Enter the Asylum and meet those Wickedly Wild and Zany people who stalk me on a day to day basis, Well ok so I enjoy it...

Just a little philosophy.

This is a list of the alledged orgin of a few bands, not sure how creditable but definately interesting and some are very funny.

Last Update: 09/05/00

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