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Medieval Castles

HOLA Peoples! This is our very SPIFFY web page about Medieval Castles!! Don't make fun, it was a mandatory project for Mr. Katz's World History Honors class. Please enjoy and don't send us any hate mail!! And if you do, you could wind up looking like him! ->

The Origin of Castles During Medieval Europe

During the renaissance in Europe, warfare was a common occurance. To protect themselves and their subjects from enemy attacks, many nobles and monarchs built castles, strong fortified buildings that projected feelings of intimidation and stability to their attackers.

The first castles, motte and bailey castles, were made of wood and designed for fast and efficient building. As time progressed, stone castles were made more common. Built of stone, these huge buildings were near impossible to storm, which guarunteed more security to those who lived inside. Although safety and security was promised from a stone castle, it took large quantities of time and money in order to be completed; however, these facts were almost always ignored as more and more wealthy monarchs ordered the making of stone castles.

Because castles were built for defense and protection, whenever possible, they were surrounded by hills or rivers, which provided stable defences of its own. Spiral staircases enabled defending people have the advantage by allowing them to hide and be higher than their attackers. There were also narrow tunnels used to help archers shoot attackers, and made it difficult for attackers to reach them. The building of such permanent landmarks was one of the main fruits of the Renaissance, and for centuries to come, they have been bound to remain exactly how they were hundreds of years ago: buildings that softly whisper of times long past, and buildings of great beauty.

The Inhabitants of Castles

Although castles were large buildings, the population in them was not quite as numerous as one might imagine it to be. Some castles were large enough to house entire communities: the king, the royal family, and their subjects. Many castles, however, had only a small permanent staff that consisted of the constable, porter, watchmen, and men-at-arms. Castles of the lords usually contained the lord, his lady and her household, their most honored guests, and all of their attendants. Some castles were also the headquaters of local governments as well as the estate management: these castles housed the lords, ladies, and some officials.


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